How do you beat the heat?

The UPS freight drivers always stops by my package car. Start rubbing his arms like,he Is too cold!.. Then he will roll down his window and wave some cold air towards me!

In return just take your paycheck and in your best Southern Belle imitation fan your face with it.
"Well I declare! Look at all those numbers on here!"

Fedex Guy

Well-Known Member
I went totally FREE WILLEY STYLE today. That's right Jumpman was rockin the invisible man droors today DADDY O lol. That's how I roll on a stupid crazy hot day like today lol. FREE WILLEY godddammitt lmfao.

That's hilarious. I always do that! Commando FTW!!

Just to be clear, I don't work for FedEx. Crazy I know.


That’s Craptacular
Please tell me those are not your underpants hangingfrom your package car... :nonono:
You think that's the grossest thing to ever touch a PC? Lol I'd take a pair of sweaty drawers hanging on a mirror to smelling some driver's day old sandwich left in the truck that now smells like rotting mayonnaise.


That’s Craptacular and bra,on the passanger side! :hammer: