I-9 Verification


Well-Known Member
We was told today that if anyone failed to submit their I-9 verification by friday then they would no longer have a job at UPS! LOL go figure.


Well-Known Member
No you are wrong. Spoken like an ignorant teamster. UPS is helping worthless employees, like yourself, do this. It is the Department of Homeland Security. Clink the link on upsers and it takes you to a government website. The company you work for is trying to help get this done. I am surprised they just didn't send a notice to the homes of employees and state what needs to take place. The company doesn't need you to do this. If you don't do it, deal with Homeland Security. I know workers that are refusing to do it. All I know anyone without the I-9 will not be allowed on property. I am not sure what will happen after that. This is much bigger than the IBT or the company... Understand this if you can, UPS does not need you to fill out the I-9, you need to fill out the I-9 to stay employed.
And u speak like a typical @!#$


Well-Known Member
seirously this i9 crap took me less then a minute also I dont think its all that big of a deal, but come on socks. Your suppose to be a leader in this company and all u do is talk down on us Teamsters. Just remember if u didnt have us u wouldnt have a job and vice versa. I think ur just mad that you cant bully people the way u want too because theyre Teamsters and we fight back!:angry:


Well-Known Member
seirously this i9 crap took me less then a minute also I dont think its all that big of a deal, but come on socks. Your suppose to be a leader in this company and all u do is talk down on us Teamsters. Just remember if u didnt have us u wouldnt have a job and vice versa. I think ur just mad that you cant bully people the way u want too because theyre Teamsters and we fight back!:angry:

You got me..... How did you know? Man you guys are tough..


Well-Known Member
Come on people, you're making this to difficult. In situations like this where the company won't pay directly, I take the pay times 2 in the following days or weeks. It's really very easy if you think about it. An extra bathroom break or two. Tie your shoes a couple dozen times. You get the picture. Let ego maniacal supes like Socks think they got you, when in reality you got it all back times 2. The times 2 is for the extra time out of your life you shouldn't have had to spend had the company done the right thing in the first place.

Boy you sound just like a part time employee... Does that make you proud? Bet you can't wait to tell the grandkids that you work less hours than high school students in your adult life.


Well-Known Member
All of FedEx Express had to do the i9 business too back in November. Same story. DHS requires this. You have 2 weeks to get it filled out or termination.

At my station they had us do it before we went on road right before our pre-trip. We all got paid for the 5 minutes of filling out forms. It was like 3 pages and most of the time used was just filling in circles under the information entered. No big deal.
No you are wrong. Spoken like an ignorant teamster. UPS is helping worthless employees, like yourself, do this. It is the Department of Homeland Security. Clink the link on upsers and it takes you to a government website. The company you work for is trying to help get this done. I am surprised they just didn't send a notice to the homes of employees and state what needs to take place. The company doesn't need you to do this. If you don't do it, deal with Homeland Security. I know workers that are refusing to do it. All I know anyone without the I-9 will not be allowed on property. I am not sure what will happen after that. This is much bigger than the IBT or the company... Understand this if you can, UPS does not need you to fill out the I-9, you need to fill out the I-9 to stay employed.

Homeland is requiring this from companies with government contracts which is fine and does not make UPS the bad guy here. However UPS then outsourced this effort to TALX corporation who then uses I9-Express to collect the information - these are NOT government companies! I have a big problem providing my personal information out to 2 companies I know nothing about. How secure are they and what else do they do with our information?
UPS expects us to safeguard their intellectual property and we should be able to expect the same from them! UPS HR should be collecting this information.


Well-Known Member
Did this online last week and stopped by HR last night. Handed them my DL and it took every bit of 5 minutes off the clock. Like bubblehead said Ive got that 5 minutes many times over. No need to make a big deal out of it.


Well-Known Member
We got the info at work tonight. Its the 2 step process. Step one go to upsers.com then step 2. They have someone coming from HR next week to check your license and birth certificate or ss card. Im okay with this plan.

But i read other peoples comments about having to drive to an HR office to bring that stuff is just foolish. UPS better having someone be at the building during the sort or when you punch in for work as a driver to get this stuff done. I would grieve anything that forces someone to drive out of their way on their own time to do something that the company could do very easy when youre at work. Especially for people who work on the night sort or live far away.


Well-Known Member
I'm over 100 miles from any HR people. It would make most sense to have an HR person check our paperwork at PCM. Because that is the only time they will ever get all the drivers together in one place. Otherwise an HR person can hang out at the DIAD rack from 5PM-9PM and corner every driver after they punch out.


Well-Known Member
I just did the I-9 on the website and on upsers.com they put that management will let you know when to bring in your photo id and stuff. So whomever had to go out of their way to drive to HR to do this stuff probably didnt listen to PCM and did things on their own time.

TO UPSSOCKS, yeah this is homeland security but its not hard for UPS to arrange its HR staff to be at each sort at coordinated times to get everyones paper work done. Even though homeland security is making this mandatory for all workers, this is still work that needs to be done on company time.


Well-Known Member
I just did the I-9 on the website and on upsers.com they put that management will let you know when to bring in your photo id and stuff. So whomever had to go out of their way to drive to HR to do this stuff probably didnt listen to PCM and did things on their own time.

TO UPSSOCKS, yeah this is homeland security but its not hard for UPS to arrange its HR staff to be at each sort at coordinated times to get everyones paper work done. Even though homeland security is making this mandatory for all workers, this is still work that needs to be done on company time.

No it doesn't need to be done on company time. In fact at my building, I have talked to every employee three or more times. I have also explained in detail what they need to do, to complete the I-9. I have about 50 employees that have not completed the I-9 yet. I met with the union yesterday and explained that if these employees do not take the neccessary steps by the deadline, they will not be permitted on property. After three days I will send 72 hour notices of termination and that will be the end of them. Now the union has assured me that it will not come to that, but we will see.


Well-Known Member
No it doesn't need to be done on company time. In fact at my building, I have talked to every employee three or more times. I have also explained in detail what they need to do, to complete the I-9. I have about 50 employees that have not completed the I-9 yet. I met with the union yesterday and explained that if these employees do not take the neccessary steps by the deadline, they will not be permitted on property. After three days I will send 72 hour notices of termination and that will be the end of them. Now the union has assured me that it will not come to that, but we will see.

Talk about a powertrip. How hard is it for you to call up HR and say come to my sort at so and so time, tell your employees to bring their stuff because HR will be here or else you have to drive to HR. I think thats fair. Everyone has until march to get this stuff done. I would tell the union in your area to file a grievance for not getting paid for time work. And then after that file on anything possible for you being an unbearable supervisor.

Theres alot of grey areas in the contract but how hard is it to get your HR rep at your building during your sort and get things done the right way.

Your talking points show your lack of knowledge of the contract, and the lack of communication and teamwork you have with HR and most likely fellow supervisors. And exactly why we have union to protect ourselves from supervisors like you.


Staff member
HR here has made themselves available at the Hub to do the I-9s.

Some of you guys are making this into a huge issue that just doesn't exist.