Is it more busy, less busy or about the same the week after Christmas as Peak Season is


Well-Known Member
Entirely depends on the drivers route. Residential will still be heavier, some businesses will begin to pick up again while others are still closed.
Not sure about your location but many factories around here are shut down that entire week for maintenance.


Box Monkey
Go on with yo badself


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Hey-while you're in the area why did you shut that thread about Forging Signatures down? That one was just screaming for some good responses. Its too boring around here.
We try to catch them early ... got lucky with that one.
Scrooge!! Lol.

I felt like I hit the lottery when I saw that post was only 10 minutes old and no responses. Then I got donkey punched in the junk when I saw that it was already locked up tight. Thanks monkey spanker!


Retired 22 years
I felt like I hit the lottery when I saw that post was only 10 minutes old and no responses. Then I got donkey punched in the junk when I saw that it was already locked up tight. Thanks monkey spanker!

I was already staring to type the worlds greatest response to that thread. I thought to myself---that friend'in Butt is playing God of BC again.