It's happening


Engorged Member
War! What is it good for?!

Honestly. Vietnam? Isis? Existential threat?

C’mon man. Politicians have been playing the country for decades.

Have at it, Rambo.

Have you ever noticed that out of all the pro-military, rabid hawk Right Wing media types, that approximately 0% have ever served in the military? Nor do any of their kids serve. That's telling.

Having fought in a losing war that made no sense doesn't make one any more qualified to comment on the Kurds, although it seems to be the Golden Ticket on the Right. I'd have also gone to Canada rather than go kill people for Nixon.

El Correcto

god is dead
Have you ever noticed that out of all the pro-military, rabid hawk Right Wing media types, that approximately 0% have ever served in the military? Nor do any of their kids serve. That's telling.

Having fought in a losing war that made no sense doesn't make one any more qualified to comment on the Kurds, although it seems to be the Golden Ticket on the Right. I'd have also gone to Canada rather than go kill people for Nixon.
Why do you hate America?


Engorged Member
Why do you hate America?

I don't, and just because I dissent from your opinion doesn't make me less of an American. You support a tyrant wannabe king who thinks he's above the law, and I happen to disagree.

Agreeing to disagree is part of the American discourse and freedom of self-expression. In fact, I'd say I love America a lot more than you because I want to depose the tyrant and get back to the business of running the country.

In the Reagan days, Democrats and Republicans still disagreed, but they actually realized that in the interests of our democracy that compromise was necessary.

Today, you have rabid partisanship on both sides, which leads, in general, to the people's business not getting taken care of very well or at all.

Getting rid of Trump would be a great first step in MAGA, which is a stupid acronym anyway because America has always been great, and will be greater when Trump is sent packing.


Well-Known Member
Mayor Pete served in Afghanistan, but at least you made a clever gay slur with his name. Is it hard being so wrong and hateful?
Are gay people somehow legally protected from being made fun of now too?
The United States is still a free country, people make fun of President Trump 25 hours a day.
If Mayor Buttplug wants to be president he better get used to people making fun of his name and a whole list of other things.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Are gay people somehow legally protected from being made fun of now too?
The United States is still a free country, people make fun of President Trump 25 hours a day.
If Mayor Buttplug wants to be president he better get used to people making fun of his name and a whole list of other things.
I’m sure you’re the first to make a butt joke about his name. You’re still way off on his military background. Continue to cry about America is a free country, your tears are delicious.