The way not to fail is not to be around for audit. When I would get the diad message about these audits I'd called my wife and we'd go out to dinner at the local Dennys or whatever and usually these auditors would be long gone by the time I got in. If they were still floating around I'd park outside bldg let carwasher know about it and walk past these people with a grimace like I had a real bad day and they wouldn't even bother me at all. Worked several times. Only glitch is explaining the 2 hours over allowed to mgr next day but if your not a slacker normally they let it slide.A Ketter audit involves a little more than asking people safety questions. Depending on the size of your center/hub, it could take a week to complete. They are mainly interested in how thorough the paperwork is...everything from CSA's, S&V's, Injury/Accident Reports (RIPP/RAPP), and tons of other things. Physical inspections and interviews are part of it too. There's no way I could list everything they look at. It doesn't take much to fail either.
Daniel it strikes me funny that you actually belive anyone would learn anything from you at work, and I didnt think taking a long break is a crime when you bust your hump 99% of the year. Now if you continue to use insults like stupid and idiot that only shows how much I've exposed you as a complete self promoter and when someone calls you out on something you try to mend the difference and become a sycophant. Your the only thief I see, with all that you say your involved in and part of at UPS plus the amount of time you spend posting all day it would beg the question how do you earn your pay? Your probably some clerk with access to a computer burning up company time with your dream of having once made a delivery. I will always refute your views blowhard.hehehe, LOL
First he puts me down for trying to get the drivers to actually learn the stuff, when all he wants to do is get them(UPS) to be able to show the paper work to Ketter.
Then he comes back to post this. Rather steal two hours from the employer than to answer 10 silly little questions that, by his own words, if you fail, the company will pay you to learn them.
And he claims who is a crock?
LOL how funny, an idiot AND a thief.
and I didn't think taking a long break is a crime when you bust your hump 99% of the year
So what did you tell him, traffic was a bear? Or did you tell him you were stealing company time? I have seen drivers that did without lunch for years running 1-2 hours under take your "long break" and they got the door. But then again, you did post this:but if your not a slacker normally they let it slide.
So I guess its alright to steal if you only make 8.50 an hour, but Dave, you are in feeders, right? You make 25 bucks an hour. So why are you stealing?no accountability,theft from all angles remember that $8.50 an hr they have to supplement their income some how,
Granted it would take a few decades maybe more to run this company into the ground but lets not go there. I'm not here to post doom and gloom but to ask what can be done to regain that greatness we had. Many people would say I'm wrong but think about it. Run through your mind what UPS used to demand from its self and what it now settles for
I was not bragging that's everything you 're about you jerk that and killing threads so if those names fit me then what do you consider yourself? Right? A self promoter with too much time to kill. You've always played by the book right? Never a minute not in pursuit of company performance right? Dont threaten me with exposing my identity here you schmuck I dont hide behind the Union like you gasbag I bet you don't even work here anymore, you egotistic meddlesome fool. Go ahead I'll be reading your response after my shift seeing as you dont have one you old coot.You mean you dont bust your hump the other 1% of the time? And lemme see, you didn't think that taking a long break was a crime? Its called stealing. Seen it too many times and none of the drivers ever got to come back. So what did you tell him, traffic was a bear? Or did you tell him you were stealing company time? I have seen theif, idiot and stupid would have been used in reference to you. So like it or not, they fit.