Let’s help each other


Retired 23 years
You must haves worked for a different UPS. It's always been that way.

Not in my old center. We were a tight group. Worked together - played together- plotted together. Yes there were a couple of jerk offs who were always sucking up to management but you have to expect a few of those. They were basically ignored by the rest of us unless we had a chance to stick it to them.


nowhere special
Not in my old center. We were a tight group. Worked together - played together- plotted together. Yes there were a couple of jerk offs who were always sucking up to management but you have to expect a few of those. They were basically ignored by the rest of us unless we had a chance to stick it to them.
First center I worked in everyone worked together. Then I moved to another center that had bonus and the difference was like night and day. Everyone there was selfish. Now with the crazy dispatches drivers wouldn't have time to help each other even if they wanted to.


Retired 23 years
First center I worked in everyone worked together. Then I moved to another center that had bonus and the difference was like night and day. Everyone there was selfish. Now with the crazy dispatches drivers wouldn't have time to help each other even if they wanted to.

I can see why working in a 'Bonus center" would suck. We weren't one.


I Am The Devil
My center does bonus.

I’m a cover. Since I’m lowest seniority cover my work week has been averaging 3 days. On those days I had been ignoring the plan and eating up every bit of my 9.5 to maximize my pay. They caught on pretty quick.

This got me a performance ride with a sup.

Something about you’re not scratching blah blah blah. mother I can bonus everyday if I so choose but every time I start that bonus :censored2: you guys screw me over with work days. Plenty of times I could have covered a route with 150 stops for the day and instead they split that :censored2: up and throw on the extra work on two or three other drivers. So yeah I don’t care about bonus and every time you work me I’m going to get as many hours in as possible.

I have other income but my “FT” position with PT hours ain’t cutting it.

So I bonused my performance ride and everyday I’ve worked thereafter. Just to get off their stupid list.

This week they gave me 1 day lol. Not looking too promising tomorrow or Saturday. Got offered the reload shift twice in the past and both times showed up only to leave as they either didn’t know I was coming or didn’t need me. Well the last time my sup said “how about reload?” I hung up the phone.

I was showing up in my Browns as suggested by others everyday and only 1 out of 30 times did they give me something to do. It’s a 30 minute drive to the hub my car isn’t that great on gas and with limited hours my budget for fuel ain’t that high.

Seems if I metaphorically tell em to blow me and do what I want on route slowly they give me more work. The more I bonus the less work I’ve been getting.

As far as teamwork goes, my whole hub is good about it and we all help each other. With the bonus, if you’re already bonusing your route for the day and they send you to help someone else that just adds to your time and money in your pocket. Overall my center sups are pretty cool. Can’t speak for the other centers too much.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Running scratch?



Well-Known Member
That’s my building, Roswell. They just got done paying over $160,000.00 in 9.5 grievances in our building alone. I got 2k myself, with another $800.00 in 8hr violations.

What’s the turn around time on grievances? I’m at just over 2 months on one. Others have been ‘settled’ after a month... for now.


Well-Known Member
As a cover driver, there are some really good days and some rough ones (Good Ole UPS).
Covered a route for two weeks straight finally running scratch but the regular guy comes back today and runs 2 hours under plan texting me “awesome job bud.”

Do drivers seriously not talk to their loaders on what a good load should look like for their route?
Does no one tell their dispatcher “look if you want to give me a split just add that section of townhomes and apts(they have lockers 20 stops).”

Someone please tell me that their center isn’t as dysfunctional as mine where people refuse to work together.
If you are "running" scratch then slow the :censored2: down. You aren't helping anybody. Walk dont run, rookie!


Gone Fish'n
What’s the turn around time on grievances? I’m at just over 2 months on one. Others have been ‘settled’ after a month... for now.
These were all from last year, our local was putting them on the docket because UPS labor managers were playing games. Amazingly once docketed, they wanted to settle them all before they went to panel, there were obviously a ton.

Netsua 3:16

To me it's just like any job out there: 25-50% are quality teammates willing to help out, 50+% are dbags; guys who code 5 at 3 and send you their pickups when you have 80 stops left. It is what it is, work as directed and cash the checks


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
This might be the first comprehensive and coherent thing you have ever said on these boards... congratulations... every sentence well thought out and has a definite point...good job. Was starting to think you were a Russian Bot trying to interfere with this site!!!
you got a bad atitude


Well-Known Member
Lets make it simple. I do my route and you do yours. It takes me 9 hours I go home , it takes you 12 hours. Well you get all that OT . Try and get your years in for retirement . And hope the pension is there!


Staff member
Most drivers dont get the same loaders and most loaders dont get the same trucks. If these two issues were solved the trucks would be better. The loader then can learn what days get blown out and use different sections accordingly. For example i get a target stop that the sheets say load on the shelf in the front of the car, meanwhile the back rdr section is completely empty.

Your trucks go out with the back empty?!?!?!?
I'm at the wrong center...