Letter for missed punch out


Just telling it like it is
It's bad enough that there are Express guys who will go on and on about imaginary reports and the imaginary ways that they are used without Ground guys, who know even less, to fuel the fire.

You don't have to do that just because you-know-who thinks he's an expert on Ground and all legal matters pertaining to same. Really, it's good. You can just owe us ;)
All unicorns and rainbows where you come from, eh Dano?


Wow here they just go by whatever you last code/scan was so if you stat something at 1715 your punch out time is 1715 or if you use the print timecard code at 1718 they punch you out at 1718 and just fill out a paper time card for you to initial in all the right places
They are not following proper procedure. You are to be paid from punch to punch. No exceptions. It's my understanding that the electronic time clock eliminates the ability of management to change actual start and end times.


Well-Known Member
I have gotten an OLCC for this.. These clocks are also FUBAR at out station. I took a photo for a week straight of my clock out and was told twice that week that I did not punch out. Well Mr. mgr here is proof I did indeed clock out so put it where the sun never shines. HAve not heard a word since. Many at our station were getting OLCC's not so much anymore..

Yeah, we took pics too. Then they told us that taking pics on Fedex property was against regs.

dex 84

Well-Known Member
I agree. I'm wrong and guilty of forgetting. I do not dispute that. I am also not the only one who is in hot water over this so while it doesn't help me personally, it does help me feel slightly less awful.
You know.... I show up every day, I've never called in, I've never been late, I just try to do my job but I guess I'm just so exhausted at the end of the day that I just forget. It's not like my codes aren't on point and I don't print and turn in a time card. They're having me ALSO punch a time card now to cover my butt. My question is, why if the manual punch is ok without the digital clock out do we need the digital at all or why is this a fireable offense? I get "rules". Hell, I couldn't work for fx if I wasn't ok with rules, this just seems excessive tho.

The reason we have the digital clock now is all about control. If you send your clock in time to the server when you punch in then you're stuck with it. Where as before you might just shred a paper time card to resolve an issue, now you no longer are the keeper of your own time record, not even for the current day.

I think what you're going through is entirely excessive. At my station your 01 would become your end work time unless you remembered before the end of the day and called in and told a CSA to put you out at 1700 say.

And for what it's worth, I haven't forgotten to punch out but I have gotten to work a few minutes late, or even just gotten to the time clock a minute or two after punch time and then "forgotten" to punch in that day. The time I put in the tracker became my official punch time and I never heard anything about it. I swear this new clock system is losing punches here and there. Too many people are clanking l claiming they punched when no punch exists in the system for them.

It is because of DOT. If you go over 14 hours it's considered a violation.

The DOT rule is actually that you need to be off the road by 14 hours from when you began work. The FedEx rule is that you need to be off the clock by 14 hours from when you punched in.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Yeah, we took pics too. Then they told us that taking pics on Fedex property was against regs.
Why yes, after all we certainly wouldn't want any of our sophisticated secrets to fall into the hands of ISIS or UPS or whomever.....could be downright devastating :(


Well-Known Member
Why yes, after all we certainly wouldn't want any of our sophisticated secrets to fall into the hands of ISIS or UPS or whomever.....could be downright devastating :(
Shh. Someone might steal the green screen. Can't let that tech fall into the wrong hands.


Well-Known Member
All those stories are why many of us enjoy being RT drivers. I forgot to punch out last week, so my manager just texts me at home and lets me know I forgot to punch out and what time he wants me to put down for my end time. End of story. A couple days ago I was in my managers office talking and another driver came in and apparently he had a break violation by working over 6 hours and not putting a break down. He couldn't get to the time clock in time and by the time he did, he punched out late. Manager asks him what time he wants to put down to avoid going down the discipline road, driver tells him, manager corrects it in the computer and everyone walks away happy.


Well-Known Member
At my station when the electronic time clock was added they told us not punching in/out would get you an OLCC.

They also said forgetting your badge means you cannot punch in/out so you either go home and get it and punch late or two times and its a letter we were told.

At first they were giving out OLCCs left and right stating that you failed to punch out, however after noticing the system does have flaws the wording in the OLCC has changed and it is just now a notification that they are only able to pay you for clocking out according to your last code instead of actual punch. (Remember you are supposed to wait for printout before you clock out so your PPD may say 12:01 but you are not done with work till you get and audit the printed time card so when you punch out it may be 12:05 lets say)

At first the OLCC said something like "Name failed to punch out properly on such and such date"

The new OLCC notice says something to this effect "Name's clock out time failed to record properly on date, employees punch out time is entered according to ppd end work time." They have to notify you because you may have lost time which you should have been paid for.

They cannot fault you without going to the video tape and proving that you didn't punch (unless they are looking to get you chances are they aren't going to the video tape to see if you punched right now) because otherwise it may be a system error which currently is happening a lot.

dex 84

Well-Known Member
At my station when the electronic time clock was added they told us not punching in/out would get you an OLCC.

They also said forgetting your badge means you cannot punch in/out so you either go home and get it and punch late or two times and its a letter we were told.

At first they were giving out OLCCs left and right stating that you failed to punch out, however after noticing the system does have flaws the wording in the OLCC has changed and it is just now a notification that they are only able to pay you for clocking out according to your last code instead of actual punch. (Remember you are supposed to wait for printout before you clock out so your PPD may say 12:01 but you are not done with work till you get and audit the printed time card so when you punch out it may be 12:05 lets say)

At first the OLCC said something like "Name failed to punch out properly on such and such date"

The new OLCC notice says something to this effect "Name's clock out time failed to record properly on date, employees punch out time is entered according to ppd end work time." They have to notify you because you may have lost time which you should have been paid for.

They cannot fault you without going to the video tape and proving that you didn't punch (unless they are looking to get you chances are they aren't going to the video tape to see if you punched right now) because otherwise it may be a system error which currently is happening a lot.

That isn't right either though. If you have people punching out at a certain time and not getting paid until that time because the clock failed then you're stealing money from those people. I would not be okay with this.


Well-Known Member
That isn't right either though. If you have people punching out at a certain time and not getting paid until that time because the clock failed then you're stealing money from those people. I would not be okay with this.

It's not right at all but that's why they are using an olcc to notify you this way they say you were aware and informed that it happened. Lol


Engorged Member
All those stories are why many of us enjoy being RT drivers. I forgot to punch out last week, so my manager just texts me at home and lets me know I forgot to punch out and what time he wants me to put down for my end time. End of story. A couple days ago I was in my managers office talking and another driver came in and apparently he had a break violation by working over 6 hours and not putting a break down. He couldn't get to the time clock in time and by the time he did, he punched out late. Manager asks him what time he wants to put down to avoid going down the discipline road, driver tells him, manager corrects it in the computer and everyone walks away happy.

Yep. Who would even want to be a courier these days? Here we have the company obsessing over minute BS, while the much bigger issues of turnover, late freight, etc. get less attention. It's truly laughable. Only FedEx could make such a huge issue out of punching-in and punching out. Simple...except for our management.


Engorged Member
It's not right at all but that's why they are using an olcc to notify you this way they say you were aware and informed that it happened. Lol

Yep. CYA, so when they try and write you a letter they have the full documentation to back it up. One should always think of OLCCs as steps, as in steps out the door. Each one you get is another step taken. That's why you fight everything, assuming you still want to work here.


Well-Known Member
They are not following proper procedure. You are to be paid from punch to punch. No exceptions. It's my understanding that the electronic time clock eliminates the ability of management to change actual start and end times.
Managers can still edit times but the employee is required to approve or reject the change the next time they punch in/out (or ignore it, but unapproved changes show up on a report).


Managers can still edit times but the employee is required to approve or reject the change the next time they punch in/out (or ignore it, but unapproved changes show up on a report).
Not at Express. The electronic time clock punch cannot be altered. Nor break times. This was done to eliminate lawsuits as a result of management altering paid work time.