I don't think that if the world was turned upsided down, which is what would have to take place, and the Libs were on top in talk radio that the Conservative Talk shows would be pushing the "Fairness Doctrine." I think they'd take it and move on. Such as the Howard Stern aproach that you mentioned.
When I suggested the world turned upside down I also meant that there would be no "conservative radio" in that Rush, Sean, Savage, etc. would be championing the so-called liberal line of political opinion. Politicians are not principled souls like we'd wish or think them to be but rather are driven by polls and the opinionated winds of the moment. Watch the flipflopping politicos as the heat from the immigration issue builds. Both Senators from Georgia just rolled over looking for an exit door because of heat from the homefolks and there will be more. Sen. Richard Lugar Repub. of Indiana has now come out against the Iraq war and is looking for the exits as the heat builds on this issue. There's no principle here other than one's own self preservation in office.
Watch politics and read the record from the Congress itself or even the President no matter who that is and you will see them say one thing and do another. In the case of the Repubs. all we heard was about bringing fiscal responsibility to gov't and downsizing it's presence in our lives. What have we got under their watch? Exactly the very opposite to the point that Bill Clinton when it comes to size and scope of gov't looks like a true conservative when it comes to limiting gov't. BTW: Check out Fortune Mag. on an article that shows Hillary getting some real key support from the big business community and even Wall Street. They are liking what she is saying to them. Even head of Morgan Stanley who has been repub. and raised tons of money and support for Bush is now behind Hillary. What does that tell you folks? For one no principles but I'll leave it at that and you can figure out the rest.
The President in 2000' running against Al Gore gave several speeches and even in the Presidental debates condemned Mr. Gore for his efforts of Nationbuilding via the Clinton ventures in the Balkens and Bush went on to say that no nationbuilding would take place under his watch. Big, I know you poo-poo the "Nationbuilding" thingy but that's OK because when you read the record these guys really spell it out so it's there whether you deny it or not.
Now we're bogged down in Iraq doing the very same thing Clinton did and the Repubs berated and beat him to death over this while the democrats paraded and called Clinton a God for being so "statesman like!" What do we have 10 years later? Role reversal. Starting to get the picture.
When my guy's in charge it's OK but it's a forbidden zone when it's your guy. Mark my word, if the world was upside down you'd see very different words coming from the mouths of the characters that govern us.
Bush is a dictator and leader of an Oligarchy!
"I'm gonna get that WKMAC!" you say? "That snivling, whining lib, he'll get his from us!" "That terrorist lover!"
Don't be to hasty to attack me just yet because those were not my words. Those were the words of a radio talkshow host who by the luck of the situation I was able to hear last evening on WSB-AM radio out of Atlanta Georgia. The talkshow host you ask?
None other
than Michael Savage himself!
I heard it with my own 2 ears. The wheels are coming off the tracks folks! BTW: Michael, I'd have said aristocracy with the overidding means of governance being the Mussolini model of fascism but your words are close enough. Glad I was able to tune you in yesterday to hear you utter those words.
Diesel, Go for it my friend because you'll only be quoting one of their own!