Local 25 Teamsters borderline criminal act?

How do you feel about this situation?

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My Senior Picture
Well, unfortunately we don’t have all the facts. I have a few questions of my own, that I’m sure will be answered in time. Until then I’d rather not speculate. Who classifies the employee as seasonal vs permanent?
In my region, our supplement does, by virtue of when they were hired.

Is it different in the East, or a Local 25 Seniority Application that I have never heard of???

As far as having the facts, I would think Local 25 would have been "chomping at the bit" to get those facts out there, rather than declining to comment???

Personally I am disappointed, as I am looking for someone (or a group of "someones") to pull us from the train wreck....

....but it's not in my fiber to turn a blind eye to "old school" crap like this.

The longer it festers, the more it stinks.


Well-Known Member
Well, unfortunately we don’t have all the facts. I have a few questions of my own, that I’m sure will be answered in time. Until then I’d rather not speculate. Who classifies the employee as seasonal vs permanent?

The people who hire you. Not that hard to figure out.

Frankie's Friend

Somebody needs to stand up and take responsibility

Do you think what happened to these folks in Boston is ok?
By relating this post, evidently not.
It will be fodder.... for the next election. :biggrin:
But seasonals (nonmembers) cant vote so the point is that all the membership will hold SO in contempt even tho other locals have done this for years? Ok.
I do....in this instance, while continuing to assert that there are many other "autonomous" issues~Bbbl~™
Hey Bubblehead, ever seen any member screwed by a ba using a (deceptively) settled grievance from another local instead of doing the right thing (autonomously) for the members?
It all "autonomous" unless your ba is crooked, or lazy, or both.
Just sayin...
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What a crooks!!!. These are temporary employee they should not even be paying dues. Paying dues for nothing, no protection, company can and will let them go as they please because they’re classified as seasonal. I tell you...I wish the Local to be hit with class action suit and criminal charges of grand theft and throw their end in jail. Anyone who does that deserve to be locked.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Does McD put into a pension? Does McD offer PT benefits without a premium?

So you don't think almost 5 hours of monthly pay going to union dues is too much for a new employee? They would be paying roughly 10% of their first years pay in dues and initiation.

If they were 18 and invested their initiation fee and 5 years of union dues instead of paying them to the union the return would be better then their UPS pension at retirement age. Healthcare doesn't matter for most since they are on their parents plan.

Unlike olden days, if they stick around they will be rewarded with two-tier wages and the promise of being sold out again even more if they aren't full-time by the next contract.

Frankie's Friend

Looks like they can get a refund of the initiation fees if they dont get hired in within 31 days after peak (although the peak language isnt shown in this post pic) if they contact the local.

Unfortunately, if they came to ups to work for extra holiday and gift money the refund is too late to help unless they ended up charging the gift purchases on a credit card which the refund would offset.

If many of them got treated like we've seen it for years they got intermittent work and it was a wash.

The company has a hard enough time hiring and retaining people without this in the media. I guess that creates more revenue for the locals and the pathetic starting rate of pay has been kept pretty low for years.


Well-Known Member
Good Lord, who in their right mind would work part time with those dues/fees in place? For wages just above or equal to most other employers? Wow...

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Looks like they can get a refund of the initiation fees if they dont get hired in within 31 days after peak (although the peak language isnt shown in this post pic) if they contact the local.

Unfortunately, if they came to ups to work for extra holiday and gift money the refund is too late to help unless they ended up charging the gift purchases on a credit card which the refund would offset.

If many of them got treated like we've seen it for years they got intermittent work and it was a wash.

The company has a hard enough time hiring and retaining people without this in the media. I guess that creates more revenue for the locals and the pathetic starting rate of pay has been kept pretty low for years.
What I have never understood is why is it the Unions interest to keep PT wages so low?