Local 2727 UPDATE

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The pilots received their fair contract but had to spend money for the USAToday and WSJ ads. The pilots are going to make UPS pay for the spilled milk on their layoffs. Mgt pilots have already damaged one aircraft on a no flap landing at PAE and several captains have been placed back to FO status by the FAA due to incidents or training issues. We have just had a mechanic fired for an incident with a TSA agent, who before 9-11-01 was handing burgers out a window. This is a sad situation but everyone has been pcmed and signed ojt for security training. It is a situation that could have been advoided if he would have just called his sup but he talked to the person and now he is fired.


Well-Known Member
You may be right. Nothing but silence from the E-board. The hotline msg did wonder who you have in the Kentucky Derby....which is nice.

The Teamsters might as well call themselves the IAM. It appears the mechanics priority ranking is falling. Nice article on the IPA, a union with some real back bone! Our "social club" needs to take note!


Well-Known Member
Are those Bomber windows in the front? I read that all Russian airplanes were set up with a Bombardier station in the front.
Did the Charter Agreement cause the crash?

The point is, the 3 crewmembers would still be alive if UPS did their own work. Who made the decision to get rid of all the aircraft? Did they think the recession was going to last for 10 years? We obviously don't have enough aircraft to cover the recovery.


Well-Known Member
The pilots received their fair contract but had to spend money for the USAToday and WSJ ads. The pilots are going to make UPS pay for the spilled milk on their layoffs. Mgt pilots have already damaged one aircraft on a no flap landing at PAE and several captains have been placed back to FO status by the FAA due to incidents or training issues. We have just had a mechanic fired for an incident with a TSA agent, who before 9-11-01 was handing burgers out a window. This is a sad situation but everyone has been pcmed and signed ojt for security training. It is a situation that could have been advoided if he would have just called his sup but he talked to the person and now he is fired.

This post by you shows the arrogance of you and your worth to UPS and to the world in general. Mechanics are above the law and government regualtion? Previous posts are always behind the FAA rules. TSA trys to hold one of yours to the government rules and he was flipping burgers before 9/11? Bottom line is if the mechanic who was fired had followed the rules he would have his job. Is flipping burgers a job below you? Where do UPS drivers stack up in your food chain of worth? Are hub employees below or above people who flip burgers? Can you even look the teamster porter who cleans your bathroom in the eye, he or she must be well down your food chain of worth. Stop blaiming everyone else you freaking whiner. If you get pulled over by a police officer, do you refuse to talk to them? Let me know how that works out for you.


Well-Known Member
This post by you shows the arrogance of you and your worth to UPS and to the world in general. Mechanics are above the law and government regualtion? Previous posts are always behind the FAA rules. TSA trys to hold one of yours to the government rules and he was flipping burgers before 9/11? Bottom line is if the mechanic who was fired had followed the rules he would have his job. Is flipping burgers a job below you? Where do UPS drivers stack up in your food chain of worth? Are hub employees below or above people who flip burgers? Can you even look the teamster porter who cleans your bathroom in the eye, he or she must be well down your food chain of worth. Stop blaiming everyone else you freaking whiner. If you get pulled over by a police officer, do you refuse to talk to them? Let me know how that works out for you.

I like this guy!!


Well-Known Member
This shows how much you know about the TSA and FAA. One mistake by an airline mechanic, one incorrect sign off, one failed drug test, one wire installed incorrectly and someone could die, and your out of a job and/or in jail. YOUR the one wanting drivers to accept a concessionary contract and pay for health care. How many drivers have been harrassed by TSA at the airport going in and out of AOA areas. I can tell you alot of Feeder drivers have stories about TSA and Airport police. No one is above the law but a young TSA agent telling a 23 year UPS employee that it is his job to ask for id after they have badge in through security or drove in through gate. HOW many people did they pass to get to an airplane? I would say a hundred people at SDF saw this person before they made it to the actually aircraft. Remember your a buffalo bill, you strive for second place. Your buddy brown one is a manger, what does he know about anything?


Well-Known Member
No, just someone with a better grasp on reality than you boys.

Don't you get tired of being everyone's Hall monitor? Go into Management where you can make a difference....I'm sure you would be welcomed with open arms, and become a rising star. It would be your chance to straighten all us stupid Teamsters out!
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Well-Known Member
Don't you get tired of being everyone's Hall monitor? Go into Management where you can make a difference....I'm sure you would be welcomed with open arms, and become a rising star. It would be your chance to straighten all us stupid Teamsters out!

Thanks for the career advice but I think I'll stay right where I am.


Nine Lives
Thanks for the career advice but I think I'll stay right where I am.

Sorry to hear that, you would make a Great manager! Then again it's a lot easier sitting on the fence.

I think I might understand Upstate's reaction to this but anyway this would be mine.
It's a lot easier just doing the job yourself rather than trying to get others to do their job correctly.

When I retire from UPS, I will probably get another job after 1 - 2 years.
The constraints on that job will be:
1) No one reporting to me - don't need the hassle and silly-ass crap
2) Not working for a large company or Corporation - too many silly-ass rules and too much non-value-added activities

As far as sitting on the fence - that fairly well describes me too.
One does not have to choose sides and one does not have to let others control you.
People try to do this to me on BC all the time and get POed when they can't control me - too bad!


Well-Known Member
My reaction was based on the fact that I thought his statement was sarcastic, not serious. If it was serious than I thank you for the compliment but prefer to stay where I am for the 9 yrs I have left.


Well-Known Member
Well thats two contracts you will have votes to take concessions from UPS. It would benefit all IBT workers if you didnt vote on contracts since you ride the company's side on most issues.


Well-Known Member
Well thats two contracts you will have votes to take concessions from UPS. It would benefit all IBT workers if you didnt vote on contracts since you ride the company's side on most issues.

No, I assess the situation and act accordingly. Take your Union blinders off for just a second and look around.


Well-Known Member
This shows how much you know about the TSA and FAA. One mistake by an airline mechanic, one incorrect sign off, one failed drug test, one wire installed incorrectly and someone could die, and your out of a job and/or in jail. YOUR the one wanting drivers to accept a concessionary contract and pay for health care. How many drivers have been harrassed by TSA at the airport going in and out of AOA areas. I can tell you alot of Feeder drivers have stories about TSA and Airport police. No one is above the law but a young TSA agent telling a 23 year UPS employee that it is his job to ask for id after they have badge in through security or drove in through gate. HOW many people did they pass to get to an airplane? I would say a hundred people at SDF saw this person before they made it to the actually aircraft. Remember your a buffalo bill, you strive for second place. Your buddy brown one is a manger, what does he know about anything?

How do you know none of the 100 other people in SDF did not challenge the TSA person? the point is how do you know that person did not climb a fence or sneak on property? I have many feeder drivers who access Airport property and none of them have complained about the TSA. So in your opinion the TSA serves no purpose? What about Sky Marshals are they useless as well. God forbid any one question a aircraft mechanic? Can you walk on water as well as fix planes?
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