Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
MAGA caps are like the cheese heads Packer fans wear. They're harmless but you look like a dope wearing one.
Sort of like these people?

Pink Meat no text.jpg


Well-Known Member
Oh? Did the juniors and seniors have to explain their MAGA hats or Catholicism on their college applications or to potential future employers?
Box Ox, I love you, man, but political attire does not belong on a school field trip, a Catholic school, no less. Don't they have an obligation not to promote a political party as part of their tax free status?

One other thing... why does a Catholic boys school have an anti-abortion club? Are any of them ever going to have an abortion? This field trip seems to be a yearly tradition with them.


Well-Known Member
Why aren't you condemning the black activists attacking those kids with vicious comments? Why are you against making America great again? There's much more to that slogan than what you believe racist undertones. The U.S. had slipped in many categories, and for much longer than Obama's tenure. Why not try to make America great again? If you believe that America was always great then why does the Left tear at it so harshly?
Why are you leaving, instead of contributing? When was America greater than it is now?


Well-Known Member
Box Ox, I love you, man, but political attire does not belong on a school field trip, a Catholic school, no less. Don't they have an obligation not to promote a political party as part of their tax free status?

One other thing... why does a Catholic boys school have an anti-abortion club? Are any of them ever going to have an abortion? This field trip seems to be a yearly tradition with them.
Tell that to all the black kids wearing shirts with Obama's image on it.