Market level Scam


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Sure,OK... but a BZ is well deserved to those serving in the military right now... we purple eggplant drivers don't deserve that acknowledgement.

Why is that Afghanistan war Soo long?!? It's a UN problem, not just USA's problem. Did trump ate his words about lbtq not becoming a US soldier?


Well-Known Member
Sure,OK... but a BZ is well deserved to those serving in the military right now... we purple eggplant drivers don't deserve that acknowledgement.

Why is that Afghanistan war Soo long?!? It's a UN problem, not just USA's problem. Did trump ate his words about lbtq not becoming a US soldier?
We've been getting BZ's for decades. When I first started couriers had white dress shirts with epaulets that indicated years of service. This company has been a military style organization since it's inception. And there was a time when that instilled a sense of pride in many employees.


Well-Known Member
You've been scammed. FedEx already contributes to retirees who don't opt for COBRA coverage. We get a whole $85 per month to cover those expenses.
Via Director. "It's still in the works. But it is happening." It's good and bad I think. Let's people retire that want a way out. Saves tons of money for company.


Well-Known Member
You are so right. Did you pat yourself on the back for realizing we didn't have several hundred thousand employees in 1973
Nope, it's common knowledge. Hell, people who paid attention to the movie Castaway are probably aware of that fact.

Ah, but why am I droning on? You confirmed it for me. Good job, cheif!


Well-Known Member
Nope, it's common knowledge. Hell, people who paid attention to the movie Castaway are probably aware of that fact.

Ah, but why am I droning on? You confirmed it for me. Good job, cheif!
Castaway? I knew plenty of people on here lived in fantasyland. You did realize that was a fictional movie didn't you?


Well-Known Member
Castaway? I knew plenty of people on here lived in fantasyland. You did realize that was a fictional movie didn't you?
Sure did but they did mention some of FedEx's history in it and FedEx is part of the plot.

But I'm glad you brought that up. Wouldn't want people to get confused and think it's real life. Wonderful work, amigo!


Well-Known Member
Sure did but they did mention some of FedEx's history in it and FedEx is part of the plot.

But I'm glad you brought that up. Wouldn't want people to get confused and think it's real life. Wonderful work, amigo!
I can only see your replies so I'm guessing you're replying to Oldfart. Please wish him well, much quieter on this side of the wall, LOL.


Well-Known Member
Hey, oldfart. Van wishes you well. You're doing a hell of a job Mon frere.
I don't speak pig latin

Hope he is enjoying his life of poverty. I know he is enjoying his dream vacation letting Greyhound doing the driving. Just hope that homeless guy that hasn't bathed in a week doesn't sit next to him.


Well-Known Member
I don't speak pig latin

Hope he is enjoying his life of poverty. I know he is enjoying his dream vacation letting Greyhound doing the driving. Just hope that homeless guy that hasn't bathed in a week doesn't sit next to him.
Well that wasn't very nice.


Well-Known Member