Meaningless Fluff

Billy Ray

God, help us all.....
Not at all, but your hatred of this forum and the fact that you come on everyday and post all day is annoying. That's all. I didn't do anything to you but you make jabs all the time. Leave or stay just quit complaining.

You run the show now? Didn't know that.
You are beyond annoying.


golden ticket member


Billy Ray

God, help us all.....
That escalated from Level three to Level seven way too quickly

I do find it peculiar that you quoted this post to illustrate the escalation

You run the show now? Didn't know that.
You are beyond annoying.

instead of...... perhaps this one.

Not at all, but your hatred of this forum and the fact that you come on everyday and post all day is annoying. That's all. I didn't do anything to you but you make jabs all the time. Leave or stay just quit complaining.

I'm sure you had your reasons.