Meaningless Fluff


Retired 22 years
Found 2 Reese's and a KitKat on the lawn this morning
( all unopened ).


Approx. 175 kids came around last night; it's a hotspot.

Beware---there is a story going around about a person going through their cats litter box and wrapping up cat turds in Tootsie Roll wrappers. (Sounds like something Upstate would do)


golden ticket member



nowhere special
I know the feeling---I've got callouses on my palms.

My father played guitar but he lost the tips of 2 fingers before I was born in a farm accident. When I was little I misunderstood when he told me he couldn't play guitar now and I thought it was the guitar that messed up his fingers. It made me afraid to play a guitar.


Retired 22 years
My father played guitar but he lost the tips of 2 fingers before I was born in a farm accident. When I was little I misunderstood when he told me he couldn't play guitar now and I thought it was the guitar that messed up his fingers. It made me afraid to play a guitar.
