Minor Back pains starting


Active Member
So I’ve been with UPS for a month Sunday (get seniority) . It hasn’t been going to bad at all tbh a little hectic ,around peak (3200 scans yesterday)but nothing too major . But I’ve been having some back pains and I’m sure I’m not alone . Just wondering if there’s something you guys do to manage speed and proper lifting form ? Any advice helps was thinking about getting a brace but it seems I’d constantly have to adjust it idk


So I’ve been with UPS for a month Sunday (get seniority) . It hasn’t been going to bad at all tbh a little hectic ,around peak (3200 scans yesterday)but nothing too major . But I’ve been having some back pains and I’m sure I’m not alone . Just wondering if there’s something you guys do to manage speed and proper lifting form ? Any advice helps was thinking about getting a brace but it seems I’d constantly have to adjust it idk

After you gain seniority go out on comp

Easy money
So I’ve been with UPS for a month Sunday (get seniority) . It hasn’t been going to bad at all tbh a little hectic ,around peak (3200 scans yesterday)but nothing too major . But I’ve been having some back pains and I’m sure I’m not alone . Just wondering if there’s something you guys do to manage speed and proper lifting form ? Any advice helps was thinking about getting a brace but it seems I’d constantly have to adjust it idk
Taurine has helped many drivers i work with. Its often been called an amino acid. It's really cheap and it's really good for you. You can do your own research on YouTube or Google. I would strongly recommend Trying Taurine for Sore back or muscles. Good for eyesight, liver heart high blood Pressure and other things. Four of my co-workers saw relief in one day of taking it. For me it took months before my muscles in my back got better.
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Retired 23 years
Taurine has helped many drivers i work with. Its often been called an amino acid. It's really cheap and it's really good for you. You can do your own research on YouTube or Google. I would strongly recommend Trying Taurine for Sore back or muscles. Good for eyesight, liver heart high blood Pressure and other things. Four of my co-workers saw relief in one day of taking it. For me it took months before my muscles in my back got better.
Reminds me of one of my old pick up accounts. It was a health food/herb/vitamin/ "natural living" store. The dude who ran it was constantly sick.


Well-Known Member
I know this is an old post, but for anyone else reading this:

My back always flares up whenever I get lazy and start lifting without bending my knees enough. A week of proper lifting (keeping that back straight) usually gets me feeling better. Most people I know at work are the same. If their backs hurt, it's usually from improper lifting. Really flex your abs when lifting and keep that back straight. It makes you work your legs much more, but worth it for the back.


I know this is an old post, but for anyone else reading this:

My back always flares up whenever I get lazy and start lifting without bending my knees enough. A week of proper lifting (keeping that back straight) usually gets me feeling better. Most people I know at work are the same. If their backs hurt, it's usually from improper lifting. Really flex your abs when lifting and keep that back straight. It makes you work your legs much more, but worth it for the back.

What if your knees are more :censored2:ed up than your back?