MIP 2022


Yes, I know I'm working late.
Cheryl, why don't we rename this sub-forum the UPS stock price-MIP forum. That's all these fools think about. Just look at all the past threads. The only time they are "partners" is when the mip is handed out.


Supa Star
Are you suspecting more buy outs or forced retirements before 2023. I expect that Corporate wants to trim their books before they eliminate the funding of the UPS Retirement Plans. The maintaining of these pension trusts has to be increasing with the PBGC (who is in financial distress) raising their insurance rates. I would imagine that they will be replacing these old time management partners with younger participants who will be transferred to the matched 401k saving a ton of money, along with eliminating redundant mid management positions.

I could be mistaken on this but I believe that the Unionized Pilot’s pension is under the UPS Retirement Plan also and their contract talks begin in 2023 along with the Teamsters.
Just speculation, but doubt we will see more VSAP this year. RSAP yes


Package Center Manager
At the manager level a 100% mip is 34% bonus.

So if I am making 100k as a manager and we get 100% MIP or 1.00 mip, I would get 34,000 bonus.

So the 1.5 or 150% MIP this year is equivalent to $51,000 bonus.

You can take up to half in cash and get the rest in stock. So Managers making 100k this year will take home 25k in cash and 25k in stock

It's a good year...

It will be interesting to see what happens next year..only a couple of more years left for me.