Hey guys. Before I get started, please try not to slam me. I'm wanting to do the right thing and want advise from you guys. I was forced to run a satellite route 2 and 1/2 years ago. I drive approx 30 minutes to the sight where my truck is to load up. At first, I had decent weeks. A couple of days getting off at 5/530 (mainly due to another route cut in for relief) and the other 3 getting off at 6/630. Only taking approx 20 minutes lunch (yes, I know now this is a no no). I would see an opportunity to get done early and run with it, trying to make up for that 30 minute drive home. Of course, the work load increased over time. Now, my average clock out time is 630/730 (sometimes later), no more 5/530 days. Even when the relief route is in, I just get work from somewhere else. Most people around me are on 9.5. Sometimes I'm asked to help them but not much. My start time is 850 with approx 30 minutes to load work. That should make my 9.5 finish time 620 if I was on the list? Even getting 8 hour request is hard as they try to cut it as close as possible. I know that I've done this all wrong. I've been out there all alone all this time but finally talked to a couple other drivers and they basically told me I needed to change things up. I'm sorry. All I ever wanted to do was show that I could work hard. I finally had a job making good money but unknowingly have slowly dug myself into a hole. How do I fix this? I don't mind a late night periodically but need a break. I have 2 herniated discs that are healing but I feel like I'm making it really hard on myself. I know the 9.5 list is an option but I also have the opportunity to go back to the building and force a lower driver to run it. But I like the route and I'm used to it. Seems like there are a few folks that get off at 5 every day but most folks are way overworked. Once again, I know I haven't done things the best so take it easy on me, lol. Honestly, how do I go about fixing this to where it's more tolerable. Thanks!!!!