Obama and Biden


Staff member
If I was McCain I think I would have some fun playing up the inexperience of Obama. Maybe find a kid that looks like a young version of Obama and show him riding a tricycle or studying a primer on how to be president.

If I were McCain, I would play those soundbites over and over. You know the one! Hillary Clinton speaking about how unexperienced and not ready to be president Obama is!

I heard one the other day. At the end they say, "Hillary's right. Vote for Jonh McCain!"


If I were McCain, I would play those soundbites over and over. You know the one! Hillary Clinton speaking about how unexperienced and not ready to be president Obama is!

I heard one the other day. At the end they say, "Hillary's right. Vote for Jonh McCain!"

The experience card is off the table now that Palin would be a 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency. What now?
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Staff member
The experience card is off the table now that Palin would be a 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency. What now?

What do you mean? Palin is a governor who has executive experience.

If anything, it's Obama who has to take the "change" card off the table with his Washington 30 plus year insider pick for VP. No chance of change there!


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? Palin is a governor who has executive experience.

If anything, it's Obama who has to take the "change" card off the table with his Washington 30 plus year insider pick for VP. No chance of change there!
Over9 the ticket is now even. McCain & Biden both have Washinghton insider experience. What executive experience are you speaking of regarding Palin? :happy2:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Coming from an area near Cleveland, I've had Dennis Kucinich around all my adult life. I remember him as a city council member when he was fresh out of school. He was mayor of Cleveland for a time.

He reminds me of someone "born to soon". He came off as a kook to most stodgy Dems. If he was born about 20 yrs. later, maybe he would be a bigger force in politics today.

Like so many "born to sooners", we'll probably look back and say, You know what, that guy was right!"
I actually think Dennis is a nice guy. Other than his screwy views, he is a nice guy. Seeing them UFO's will screw you up.:happy2:


Well-Known Member
Obama has some serious issues to deal with. His lack of experience is clearly a concern thus the selection of biden as his VP candidate.

McCain is dripping with experience but does not have the charisma of an Obama.

If I was McCain I think I would have some fun playing up the inexperience of Obama. Maybe find a kid that looks like a young version of Obama and show him riding a tricycle or studying a primer on how to be president.

I see Obama schooling the drueling old geezer:wheelchai on issues he endorsed with the current bunch of experienced bafoons that put us in the quagmire we are trying to fix today.

Hey D,

You guys keep harping that McCain is nothing more than Bush 3. If that be the case, then how is this http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/022549.html any difference. Hey, what happened to that "CHANGE" guy running on the democrat side? Oh yeah, he spoke the night before.

If the democrats were about change, this guy would be giving the main address tonight!

The democrat party IMO is still like wiping your arse the 2nd time. You still come up with :censored2: on the paper!


Wkmac......your stance reminds me of that song....."clowns to the left of me -----jokers to the right-----here I am, stuck in the middle with you.


golden ticket member
I keep staring at the title of this thread.....Obama and Biden.......and if I squint my eyes, I think I see Osama Bin Laden. My first paranormal experience! :knockedout:


Well-Known Member
And do you really think Obama is going to raise your taxes?
absolutely yes

And, finally, let's be honest, in America's political system the choice will ALWAYS be between the lesser of two evils. If you want to vote for a 3rd party candidate and pretend your :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: doesn't stink, well, I'm sure your ego will appreciate it...
the only reason it is lesser of two evils is because WE the people are stuck on either D or R. Those of us who choose to vote FOR someone are called kooks or in your case egotistical (or living in "never never" land). Ive never understood why someone would have a problem with a person actually voting for the person they feel is best suited for the job. The accusation is that this is throwing away a vote (I feel just the opposite is true). If more people would vote this way we wouldnt need a two party system, which leads to a choice of the lesser of two evils


golden ticket member
On Biden......

Katie Couric Interview

Shortly after Biden was named as Vice Presidential candidate by Barack Obama, he sat down with TV reporter Katie Couric, for an interview.

"Senator Biden," said Couric, "you've been unfairly criticized during this campaign. During the primaries, you were quoted as saying that Barack Obama was 'the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.' People took this as a racist remark, but I don't think it was intended that way, was it?"

"Of course not," said Biden. "I meant it as a compliment to Senator Obama. As you know, I've worked with many articulate African-Americans, and I did not mean to slight them in any way."

"In my experience, Senator," said Couric, "you are, in fact, a very tolerant, kind man."

"Thank you, Katie," said Biden. "And may I add that you are very professional, intelligent, and articulate for a woman."


golden ticket member
Biden joke...

REPORTER: Your fortunes have really changed, Senator Biden. In 1988, plagiarism charges ended your Presidential campaign. It was revealed that you had plagiarized one of your speeches, and that years earlier in law school you had plagiarized a law review article. Now, twenty years later, you're the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, and no one seems to remember the plagiarism. What's your vision for the future of this campaign?

SENATOR BIDEN: Well, I've thought about how best to express my vision for this country. I guess I would put it like this: I have a dream in which freedom will ring from every village and every hamlet. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character....


golden ticket member
Barack Obama chose Joe Biden as his running mate. A lot of people are saying in the media that Biden was the logical choice. Now Biden got what, 8,000 votes during the primary, Hillary Clinton got 18 million votes? Well that's logical, sure. What, did Ralph Nader with his 20 votes turn him down, what happened?

And as you know, Barack Obama has chosen Delaware Senator Joseph Biden as his running mate. Well, Biden has 35 years of experience in Washington. So between the two of them, that's almost 36 years of experience.


golden ticket member
Joe Biden said Sarah Palin has a lot of style and charisma, but no substance. He made the remark after looking at his notes from eight months ago and writing the name "Sarah Palin" over "Barack Obama".


Well-Known Member
Moreluck's surfing those right wing web sites :hypnosis: again..... cut and pasted three posts in 8 minutes....impressive....lol


golden ticket member
I was just getting bored of seeing everything under the McCain-Palin thread. Thought you guys could use some equal time....fair & balanced, eh?