Obama and his war on coal


golden ticket member
Oh Heck no, I wouldnt tell them that. My town is over ran, and I love it, by the new shale and utica drilling. Some of my farmer neighbors have made millions because of it, and I say good for them.
Im all for new energy, but as of yet, it isnt here. And we need energy. And there is two centuries of coal in the ground and as of now, things have not been retrofitted for CNG, when it is, Im all for it and Then and ONLY THEN, should coal die a slow death.
See you have me wrong. You think I am just against Obama, and while I do not care for him for many reasons, my complaint is do not put coal to death before its time. We still need it. Im not ready for a 357% rise in electrical energy, and Im not a big fan of brown outs and blackouts. When something is found to fuel my car to go to work every day, besides gas, Ill be all for that too. But in the here and now, we need energy, and we need to use what we have, until something comes along that makes it obsolete.
My mom used to call that.....cutting your nose to spite your face.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We have an atomic power plant. However our garbage trucks are natural gas.

Just in case you missed the report last year... our "atomic plant" has been shut down for over a year because it was leaking radioactive steam and water out of cracked pipes.

We have NO "atomic power" coming out of San Onofre.




bella amicizia
I have nuke, water(hydro), and who knows what else. We still pay some of the highest rates in the country. It's bs. Obeedobeedo should be fired for the gas prices alone.


golden ticket member
Just in case you missed the report last year... our "atomic plant" has been shut down for over a year because it was leaking radioactive steam and water out of cracked pipes.

We have NO "atomic power" coming out of San Onofre.


For your info "last year" was 2011....wake up!!

You should learn to read better . Jan 31st is not a year ago. I live within 10 miles and you don't. My next door neighbor works at Edison San Onofre on site....your neighbor doesn't.

You make it sound like I lied....for the past 10 years I've been here, San Onofre has been my power plant.

Quit trying to one-up everybody on everything, it's sickeing! So you must be one of the chicken littles running around here.

Show up with a petition at my store and I'll be happy to tell you where you can stick your petition.
Things are being taken care of and there's no final decision on anything yet....are you on thatboard too??
San Onofre Nuclear Plant Closed After Radiation Leak - ABC News

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For your info "last year" was 2011....wake up!!

You should learn to read better . Jan 31st is not a year ago. I live within 10 miles and you don't. My next door neighbor works at Edison San Onofre on site....your neighbor doesn't.

You make it sound like I lied....for the past 10 years I've been here, San Onofre has been my power plant.

Quit trying to one-up everybody on everything, it's sickeing! So you must be one of the chicken littles running around here.

Show up with a petition at my store and I'll be happy to tell you where you can stick your petition.
Things are being taken care of and there's no final decision on anything yet....are you on thatboard too??
San Onofre Nuclear Plant Closed After Radiation Leak - ABC News

You are not a liar, just a misinformed citizen. That plant was shut down late last year when the first leaks of radioactive steam was being released into the air, this year when the cracked pipes were discovered leaking radioactive water, the entire plant was powered down.

In fact, layoffs were announced last month as there is nothing for employees to do while the entire plant is retrofitted. There is no power being generated out of that plant.

If you believe there is, then I cant help you with that, its just sad how uninformed you really are.

""The closure of the 2,150-megawatt SONGS, which typically supplies the state with about 8 percent of its electricity, has at times strained the power grid during the warmer-than-usual California summer.""
San Onofre Power Plant Layoffs: Troubled Utility To Let 730 Employees Go

San Onofre Power Plant Emergency: Level 3 Alert

'Shut Down San Onofre': The New Front Line in the Fight Against Nuclear Power | The Nation

that plant has been leaking radioactive steam for months before a stage three alert was issued in nov 2011 and the shut down process began. The plant is full of safety violations and if you are not concerned with your own safety or the safety of others, then by all means, take deep breaths.

Remember, you live off the coast and the winds come from the west blowing it over your area.

That plant should have closed a full year earlier than it did but those pesky profits prevented it from happening. Today, as it generates ZERO power, the electrical grid is taxed as power has to be diverted to your area.

This has caused rolling blackouts in the north and instead of sounding uninformed, why not just say thank you to me and others who have to go without power so you can watch fox spews.




Well-Known Member
You are not a liar, just a misinformed citizen.
This has caused rolling blackouts in the north and instead of sounding uninformed, why not just say thank you to me and others who have to go without power so you can watch fox spews.



If she is watching Fox News then by default that would make her informed.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Are you referring to the Salem Harbor Power Station ?

In 2000, coal was the third-most-used fuel for electricity in New England, accounting for 18 percent of the region's power. Now, it produces just 6 percent of regional power, according to grid operator ISO New England.
The Brayton Point plant in Somerset on the market .
Because this five-decade-old plant which also burns oil and natural gas, Dominion spent about $1.1 billion to modernize the plant it bought in 2005. But the estimated earnings are bleak. In a report Thursday, the day of Dominion's announcement, USB Investment Research projected Brayton Point would lose $3 million this year and again in 2014.
The plant, located on Mount Hope Bay across the mouth of the Taunton River, employs 215 people and can provide power to 1.5 million people at full capacity, Dominion says.
Somerset selectman chairman Patrick O'Neil said he's not worried the plant has a future, but he has concerns a low sale price could drop its assessed value. That would have implications in Somerset, which received a nearly $16 million tax payment from the station this fiscal year -- just $2.5 million less than the town's entire K-8 school budget for fiscal 2013.
No, The ones I was speaking of are all In W.v and Ohio, on the eastern Edge. But all will affect our ability to keep our lights on, if enough are driven out of business. And the loss of jobs because of it.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
All people here, I think made educated decisions. Not saying you did not. They were assured that the aquefers, and the water would not be affected. I wasnt in on it, but the people I know sold their mineral rights, and agreed to fracking would have not done it, without assurance. I live on a state park, a man made waterway, we all love our clean lakes. I did not have land to lease, but if I had I would have made an educated decision. To each his own. Nobody wants windmills cause they make noise. Where the line is drawn I do not know.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
White House waging war on coal?
Email replaces mail, but first it had to become dependable.
Cars replaced the horse and buggy, first we had to have cars manufactured.
computers replaced the hand held calculator, but first they had to be readily available and affordable.
Fast food replaced home cooking, but not until people got too lazy to cook, or too busy.
Everything runs its course, this needs to also. You cannot put the cart before the horse.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
White House waging war on coal?
Email replaces mail, but first it had to become dependable.
Cars replaced the horse and buggy, first we had to have cars manufactured.
computers replaced the hand held calculator, but first they had to be readily available and affordable.
Fast food replaced home cooking, but not until people got too lazy to cook, or too busy.
Everything runs its course, this needs to also. You cannot put the cart before the horse.

What are you going to replace drinking water with?




bella amicizia
If Cuomo approves fracking up here, he won't get my vote next time. The aquifer we live on is irreplaceable. The gas they want is.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Im not worried, neither are the thousands of people, here and there a few. The technology, is perfected. Even if I cared there is nothing I could do. Those who dont sell, they just go under. Chesapeake, utica, Marcellus, all had meetings with all residents, and they were given the green. Its on, like it or not here.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Im not worried, neither are the thousands of people, here and there a few. The technology, is perfected. Even if I cared there is nothing I could do. Those who dont sell, they just go under. Chesapeake, utica, Marcellus, all had meetings with all residents, and they were given the green. Its on, like it or not here.

The technology is perfected?? Says who? FOX? RUSH? HANNITY?.....??

Every scientist who has studied fracking concludes the same thing, it poisons the water, and if a human drinks that water, they too get poisoned.

If they could do fracking and NOT affect drinking supplies, then go for it, but until then, they need to stay out of aquafirs and underground wells. HUMANS first, profits second.




Well-Known Member
The technology, is perfected.

No, it isn't, just like undersea drilling isn't (BP).

Its on, like it or not here.

It's on everywhere. But this is a (relatively) new process of gas extraction, and don't you believe for a minute that all the kinks are worked out.

Citizens in NY and PA that live next to lands sold for 'fracking' rights talk about their well-water being flammable. ???

Menotyou is correct on this one:

Our water supply is 200% more important than haphazard exploitation of shale gas.

We can find more oil/gas/etc.

We can't find more water.

It's your town, but sometimes it's not just about 'jobs'...


Strength through joy
This country is surrounded by oceans of water.
Just build a few desalting plants and presto a whole new industry is born, along with all those new companies needed to support their operations .


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Im not an expert on fracking, Im just not as freaked as some of you over it. it has been going on, I havent been to the meetings, The land owners have the power not me. There has been this type of fracking going on for yrs, its not new. The biggest problem we had was earthquakes, and quit drilling there.
I appreciate the respectful banter, and the concerns. The people who ad nauseum comment on Fox News, hannity, etc, are ridiculous. I read shale times, the internet, talk to people who have sold thier rights, workers etc. And I listen to the radio. All day long, and on Thursday nights, shale play is on. And officials from the companies, and the local EPA answer questions.