One Day at A Time!


Well-Known Member

Yes, 17 years I have been retired today, so says the calendar!!!!!!!!!!!

And I have had a BLAST! Always wondered what it would be like to retire? As I got closer to retirement the desire grew to a fever pitch!

I'm grateful how things have worked out. I could not have retired any earlier. Can't imagine retirement any later than I chose!

The only sad part is seeing friends work too long and not be able to share it with them because they worked themselves literally to death!

Gotta run, sidecar rig is out of the garage, packed a lunch, gonna ride into the national forest with some friends and going to add another retired day into my life's calendar of event's!


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
@Shiftless, I bet those 17 yrs went by faster than 17 yrs working. I hope for you as I hope for myself “plenty of healthy years ahead.” Enjoy!
It’s been 1 yr, 6 months and 4 days that I have been retired. I can’t believe how fast time is flying. I also am glad I retired at a pretty young age (57). The saddest part is seeing my friends still having to dredge through their workdays. Some family and friends thought that I would get bored and regret retiring at a young age. Well I have no regrets, I don’t miss anything about work and sometimes I wish I would get bored and slow down. The only thing that concerns me is how fast time is going and how quickly this last phase of life will go.


All Trash No Trailer
I retired a year and 4 months ago and am thankful every day I dont have to deal with that BS anylonger. As bad as it was I understand with increased stop counts,ROADS and Orion 6 its even worse now. I feel for my friends and family still working at this job


Happy Verified UPSer
agree with sadness seeing old friends still working there when they don't have to.
when i see them they ask a lot of questions about retirement and then tell me why they can't. bought a new house, toy, etc or wife still works etc.

Sounds like fear and they purposely painted themselves in corner so they couldn't retire.

I planned for retirement from almost the very beginning. My goal is to collect retirement longer than I worked at UPS. Only 17 more years. The 6.5 years went like a flash.

So busy just like you @Shiftless

I have a lost that keeps on growing. bike riding, learning how to play drums, trip to redwoods, restoring an old VW , go back to swimming laps , trip to Idaho, trip to Alaska .....maybe taking my hobby to a real part time business since the demand is so great.
The main thing is fun....not the money.


Retired 23 years
agree with sadness seeing old friends still working there when they don't have to.
when i see them they ask a lot of questions about retirement and then tell me why they can't. bought a new house, toy, etc or wife still works etc.

Sounds like fear and they purposely painted themselves in corner so they couldn't retire.

I planned for retirement from almost the very beginning. My goal is to collect retirement longer than I worked at UPS. Only 17 more years. The 6.5 years went like a flash.

So busy just like you @Shiftless

I have a lost that keeps on growing. bike riding, learning how to play drums, trip to redwoods, restoring an old VW , go back to swimming laps , trip to Idaho, trip to Alaska .....maybe taking my hobby to a real part time business since the demand is so great.
The main thing is fun....not the money.
I don't feel sorry for anyone who works one day longer that they have to.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don't feel sorry for anyone who works one day longer that they have to.
The thing is, some have got it in their mind, they have to work.
It’s a life decision they put off making because some don’t want to make it.
Your pay is cut in half. You’re paying for insurance. You’ve done something for over 30 years and you’re used to the bulls:censored2:t, really. It doesn’t bother you. You have the best route in the building or a cushy feeder run.
What someone likes to do and does before they retire is usually what they do after they retire. All some people know is work and crying about all that it entails.
To me, dying wearing browns would be a sad statement about your life.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The thing is, some have got it in their mind, they have to work.
It’s a life decision they put off making because some don’t want to make it.
Your pay is cut in half. You’re paying for insurance. You’ve done something for over 30 years and you’re used to the bulls:censored2:t, really. It doesn’t bother you. You have the best route in the building or a cushy feeder run.
What someone likes to do and does before they retire is usually what they do after they retire. All some people know is work and crying about all that it entails.
To me, dying wearing browns would be a sad statement about your life.
Then there is the dark side of retirement. Depression, addiction, loneliness, suicide. Congratulations to all who have a happy retirement. For some it is the worse times of their lives.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Then there is the dark side of retirement. Depression, addiction, loneliness, suicide. Congratulations to all who have a happy retirement. For some it is the worse times of their lives.
I don't know the stats, but one who is struggling with those things, I highly doubt that it just kicked in at retirement age.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Then there is the dark side of retirement. Depression, addiction, loneliness, suicide. Congratulations to all who have a happy retirement. For some it is the worse times of their lives.
Easy fix for those that don’t like retirement…. Get a job and go back to work.