So, I showed up to work yesterday morning to find all of the late start drivers gathered together in our meeting area. Our center supervisor was doing a little speech about us being a team and all the what not. Then at the end of the speech she stated that supervisors will no longer be coming to us the next day about the common little mistakes that we make like one missed package, or miss delivery scan, etc. She showed us a bulletin board that would have postings of the mistakes that were made from the following day. Then she said that we were all good at our job, we knew what we were doing and we didn't need the supervisors bugging us every morning about a common mistake. She said that we could look on the board, see our mistakes, and know what to do to fix it. Management would only come to us if it turned into a huge problem or corporate starts freaking out. Then she made us all gather around and put our fists together and yell "Go Team!".
Now, I've always like the supervisors at my center, but we still had the usual of being chewed out everyday for every tiny mistake. I thought this idea seemed a little weird even for my center. The big boss seemed a little too happy as well. Anyone else's center doing this kind of thing? The whole morning just felt strange. Are my supervisors really aliens that are just trying to gain our trust so they can grind us up for new uniform material?
Now, I've always like the supervisors at my center, but we still had the usual of being chewed out everyday for every tiny mistake. I thought this idea seemed a little weird even for my center. The big boss seemed a little too happy as well. Anyone else's center doing this kind of thing? The whole morning just felt strange. Are my supervisors really aliens that are just trying to gain our trust so they can grind us up for new uniform material?