Pensions are great until they aren’t.


Well-Known Member
We control it through the contract negotiations. Let’s just hope it keeps up with inflation the next 20 years
Honestly looking at US debt clock. I’m not seeing it. Too quiet. Way too quiet. At Trader Joes yesterday. Olive oil I used to buy was 5.99 now it’s 11.99. 3 weeks ago it was 8.99. It’s cooking you guys. We are in uncharted territory.
Honestly looking at US debt clock. I’m not seeing it. Too quiet. Way too quiet. At Trader Joes yesterday. Olive oil I used to buy was 5.99 now it’s 11.99. 3 weeks ago it was 8.99. It’s cooking you guys. We are in uncharted territory.
Severe droughts in Spain has caused the price of olive oil in skyrocket.
They produce over half the olive oil for the entire world

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
I work and save under the impression that I won’t receive a pension or social security. I make up for the money being stolen from my paycheck that funds the Ponzi scheme known as Social Security by sending a significant amount of my pay to a 401k. I guess for the pension you gotta pray there’s a democrat in office that can pass a bailout and kick the debt can down the road to your grandkids. I also plan on having the house and car paid off by middle age, bank the savings and pray the wife doesn’t split with half.


Well-Known Member
Honestly looking at US debt clock. I’m not seeing it. Too quiet. Way too quiet. At Trader Joes yesterday. Olive oil I used to buy was 5.99 now it’s 11.99. 3 weeks ago it was 8.99. It’s cooking you guys. We are in uncharted territory.
You a fan of the hairy arm pit hippy girls that frequent Trader Joe’s?
I work and save under the impression that I won’t receive a pension or social security. I make up for the money being stolen from my paycheck that funds the Ponzi scheme known as Social Security by sending a significant amount of my pay to a 401k. I guess for the pension you gotta pray there’s a democrat in office that can pass a bailout and kick the debt can down the road to your grandkids. I also plan on having the house and car paid off by middle age, bank the savings and pray the wife doesn’t split with half. that debt! Then you won't need as much

Until inflation kicks back in.