Preloaders: “Swoletards” vs Everyone Else

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Just to rant a bit about a certain type of preloaders we’ve been getting a lot of in my center. I call them “Swoletards”. They are, obviously, swole individuals that seem to be avid weightlifters.

Despite their physical fitness level they are rarely good preloaders. Sure, some eventually learn to make their loads look nice and neat. But the devil is in the details. These guys will literally put the largest and heaviest boxes on the shelves and then can’t figure out why they run out of room so fast.

The end result is typically bulk stops of dog food, Rogue Fitness, Ensure, copying paper, individual over 70s, and those giant Walmart boxes that only takes two of to wipe out an entire section, all on the shelves. The average sized boxes are stacked under the furniture they couldn’t fit on the shelves. And throw in a Rogue Fitness Echo Bike up front blocking the bulk head door as a cherry on top. And nothing in RDR or RDL.

I’ve had better luck with scrawny, average, and obese loaders loading my trucks than the typical swole loader. Most end up being Swoletards. Even after they are shown exactly what to do and not to do. I don’t what else can be done to get through to these guys. Maybe the best course of action is to encourage them to put in their letters for management.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Just to rant a bit about a certain type of preloaders we’ve been getting a lot of in my center. I call them “Swoletards”. They are, obviously, swole individuals that seem to be avid weightlifters.

Despite their physical fitness level they are rarely good preloaders. Sure, some eventually learn to make their loads look nice and neat. But the devil is in the details. These guys will literally put the largest and heaviest boxes on the shelves and then can’t figure out why they run out of room so fast.

The end result is typically bulk stops of dog food, Rogue Fitness, Ensure, copying paper, individual over 70s, and those giant Walmart boxes that only takes two of to wipe out an entire section, all on the shelves. The average sized boxes are stacked under the furniture they couldn’t fit on the shelves. And throw in a Rogue Fitness Echo Bike up front blocking the bulk head door as a cherry on top. And nothing in RDR or RDL.

I’ve had better luck with scrawny, average, and obese loaders loading my trucks than the typical swole loader. Most end up being Swoletards. Even after they are shown exactly what to do and not to do. I don’t what else can be done to get through to these guys. Maybe the best course of action is to encourage them to put in their letters for management.
Encourage them to drive, genius. Then demand over-70 help


Just to rant a bit about a certain type of preloaders we’ve been getting a lot of in my center. I call them “Swoletards”. They are, obviously, swole individuals that seem to be avid weightlifters.

Despite their physical fitness level they are rarely good preloaders. Sure, some eventually learn to make their loads look nice and neat. But the devil is in the details. These guys will literally put the largest and heaviest boxes on the shelves and then can’t figure out why they run out of room so fast.

The end result is typically bulk stops of dog food, Rogue Fitness, Ensure, copying paper, individual over 70s, and those giant Walmart boxes that only takes two of to wipe out an entire section, all on the shelves. The average sized boxes are stacked under the furniture they couldn’t fit on the shelves. And throw in a Rogue Fitness Echo Bike up front blocking the bulk head door as a cherry on top. And nothing in RDR or RDL.

I’ve had better luck with scrawny, average, and obese loaders loading my trucks than the typical swole loader. Most end up being Swoletards. Even after they are shown exactly what to do and not to do. I don’t what else can be done to get through to these guys. Maybe the best course of action is to encourage them to put in their letters for management.

Best loader I ever had was a 40 something year old woman never a misload and :censored2: was tight

She was well taken care of at Christmas


Binge Poster
Just to rant a bit about a certain type of preloaders we’ve been getting a lot of in my center. I call them “Swoletards”. They are, obviously, swole individuals that seem to be avid weightlifters.

Despite their physical fitness level they are rarely good preloaders. Sure, some eventually learn to make their loads look nice and neat. But the devil is in the details. These guys will literally put the largest and heaviest boxes on the shelves and then can’t figure out why they run out of room so fast.

The end result is typically bulk stops of dog food, Rogue Fitness, Ensure, copying paper, individual over 70s, and those giant Walmart boxes that only takes two of to wipe out an entire section, all on the shelves. The average sized boxes are stacked under the furniture they couldn’t fit on the shelves. And throw in a Rogue Fitness Echo Bike up front blocking the bulk head door as a cherry on top. And nothing in RDR or RDL.

I’ve had better luck with scrawny, average, and obese loaders loading my trucks than the typical swole loader. Most end up being Swoletards. Even after they are shown exactly what to do and not to do. I don’t what else can be done to get through to these guys. Maybe the best course of action is to encourage them to put in their letters for management.
Paint with a broad brush much.

Wouldn’t mankind be better served speaking about a particular situation or method?
ie improper placement of certain packages or stops on shelves.

Rather than broad generalizations based upon the work out habits of your Preloader.

Just sayin.



Allergic to cardboard.
She was well taken care of at Christmas

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Paint with a broad brush much.

Wouldn’t mankind be better served speaking about a particular situation or method?
ie improper placement of certain packages or stops on shelves.

Rather than broad generalizations based upon the work out habits of your Preloader.

Just sayin.

He's afraid they'll roid rage

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Just to rant a bit about a certain type of preloaders we’ve been getting a lot of in my center. I call them “Swoletards”. They are, obviously, swole individuals that seem to be avid weightlifters.

Despite their physical fitness level they are rarely good preloaders.

Some of us former preloaders could be of NFL linebacker size AND read The Complete Works of William Shakespeare on the belt while never misloading. Go figure!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
u mad bro?
Well, yeah! Am I supposed to be happy that someone thinks that just because they have quite a bit of upper body strength that it is a smart idea to cram 30 boxes of dog food in the 1000 section and an entire catalog of rogue fitness products in the 2000 section instead of the back of the truck that is completely empty? LOL.

Paint with a broad brush much.

Wouldn’t mankind be better served speaking about a particular situation or method?
ie improper placement of certain packages or stops on shelves.

Rather than broad generalizations based upon the work out habits of your Preloader.

Just sayin.


If you had bothered to actually read the entire rant in it’s entirely, or at least comprehend it, you’d know that I suggested (end of third paragraph) RDR or RDL as an alternative location to packing, and therefore blowing out, and entire section with one stop. But nice attempt at making a witty and relevant response to my rant. Thanks for playing. You tried so hard! LOL

Some of us former preloaders could be of NFL linebacker size AND read The Complete Works of William Shakespeare on the belt while never misloading. Go figure!

I have actually had very few miss loads with these guys. And, like I said, the loads look pretty nice but......

Best loader I ever had was a 40 something year old woman never a misload and :censored2: was tight

She was well taken care of at Christmas

I have had some very good older men and women preloaders. But so far the best have been scrawny little college girls. LOL.

One thing I wish I would’ve made clear in the rant was that not all of the swole loaders do these things but they are typically the ones that do the things I mentioned. Probably because when you have a lot of additional upper body strength you tend to Do things with it that you normally wouldn’t if you were of average strength. LOL

But by no means am I suggesting that other people aren’t blowing out entire sections unnecessarily. It’s just that these stronger guys tend to include over 70s, and other heavy crap, in the process.


Well-Known Member
Just ask them to use any room on the floor for the larger pkgs to leave more room on the shelves. Why are you concerned with their size?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Just ask them to use any room on the floor for the larger pkgs to leave more room on the shelves. Why are you concerned with their size?
That typically goes in one ear and out of the other. The larger packages take up too much room on the shelves.
The package's weight is too much for him and he's jelly af
Yet, you need diagrams and verbal guidance, to accomplish what should be common sense.

Are you a woman?