Presidential Candidates other than Obama


bella amicizia
Someone is finally going to have to cut real spending....not just future scheduled spending....That would be a tough choice. He could roll back the unemployment benefits from 99 weeks to 52 weeks (still to long!) Make it 26 weeks. tuff like that.
I would like someone, anyone, explain to me why these people who pump kids out like Pez candy are allowed to get the Rarned income credit for in excess of $10,000. BS!!!!


Well-Known Member
I would like someone, anyone, explain to me why these people who pump kids out like Pez candy are allowed to get the Rarned income credit for in excess of $10,000. BS!!!!

Would you prefer a limit of two kids and then forced sterilization based on income?

(BTW, I agree that people should not have kids unless they can afford to raise them by themselves.)


bella amicizia
Who said anything about forcing anyone to do anything? Cut off the government funding at two children and do away with the yearly incentive. Not to mention the ability to buy a home with your money. The yearly incentive needs to go!!! Do you know how many people don't get married to screw that system. How many say they don't know the dad on the birth certificate, so they wont go after their boyfriend who lives with them.
If they want more than two kids, so be it. Not on the taxpayers dime, though.


bella amicizia
Another taxpayer draw. Last night, I shared a room with a woman that has no place to go when they discharge her. So, they don't. Medicare continues to pay for her. If that were any one who has UPS Benny's, there's the street buddy. How many millions a day are spent on this?


Strength through joy

Sounds like a sure winner to beat Obama!


Exactly not a bad win, when there are 29 other names on the ballot.
UPS Airline Pilot Hill got 104.
And on the D side , bhos had 13 other names to compete with.
Meaning % wise an easy win, but the real numbers puts him at just over 40,000.


golden ticket member

Sounds like a sure winner to beat Obama!


But, when the candidate is named, that 64% or whatever it is will move over to the winner's column.....because Republicans, over all, will support the nominated candidate......thus overpowering the 'do nothing one'.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
But, when the candidate is named, that 64% or whatever it is will move over to the winner's column.....because Republicans, over all, will support the nominated candidate......thus overpowering the 'do nothing one'.

I got news for you, if 64% didnt like romney during the primary, they wont like him in november either. 64% anti romney vote after romney spent 28 million dollars in NH shows he is WEAK. I like the mischaracterization by the FOXED SPEWS coverage about santorum and gingrich saying they got a "BUMP" in NH.

This is not true. There was no BUMP, the additional votes were merely the BACHMAN votes that no longer went to bachman since she dropped out of the campaign.

In fact, If Santorum, huntsman, Gingrich and Perry would drop out of the race, RON PAUL would wipe the floor with Romney based on real conservative principles. Since they wont drop out, PAUL is running a close second and will win South Carolina. I believe, the others are staying in the race only because the republicans with the real money behind the scenes dont want PAUL to win and by having the other dummies in the race, that prevents PAUL from getting that 64% anti Romney vote.

RON PAUL is the real grass roots republican.

The others are merely the puppets of right wing money.

64% anti Romney is a weak victory and as the polls show, head to head with Obama, Romney loses.



Staff member
Using TOS's analogy:

46% of Americans approve of Obama, so he will LOSE the election because of the 54% who disapprove of him.



golden ticket member
I got news for you, if 64% didnt like romney during the primary, they wont like him in november either. 64% anti romney vote after romney spent 28 million dollars in NH shows he is WEAK. I like the mischaracterization by the FOXED SPEWS coverage about santorum and gingrich saying they got a "BUMP" in NH.

This is not true. There was no BUMP, the additional votes were merely the BACHMAN votes that no longer went to bachman since she dropped out of the campaign.

In fact, If Santorum, huntsman, Gingrich and Perry would drop out of the race, RON PAUL would wipe the floor with Romney based on real conservative principles. Since they wont drop out, PAUL is running a close second and will win South Carolina. I believe, the others are staying in the race only because the republicans with the real money behind the scenes dont want PAUL to win and by having the other dummies in the race, that prevents PAUL from getting that 64% anti Romney vote.

RON PAUL is the real grass roots republican.

The others are merely the puppets of right wing money.

64% anti Romney is a weak victory and as the polls show, head to head with Obama, Romney loses.

GOP voters are loyal to "the candidate" whoever it is....this is what you don't get!! We will all get in line and support the candidate.......PERIOD !!!

So, don't try to tell Republicans what we will or won't do. You don't know !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Using TOS's analogy:

46% of Americans approve of Obama, so he will LOSE the election because of the 54% who disapprove of him.


Theres a difference between POLLS and VOTES cast 9five.

Votes cast are permanent and polls are a fluid mechanism.

Hopefully you can understand that.



golden ticket member
Theres a difference between POLLS and VOTES cast 9five.

Votes cast are permanent and polls are a fluid mechanism.

Hopefully you can understand that.


Hopefully you will understand that all those scattered GOP poll votes will be all for one candidate in Nov.....the real voting!.

And, whether you understand it or not....don't care!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hopefully you will understand that all those scattered GOP poll votes will be all for one candidate in Nov.....the real voting!.

Dont be so sure Moreluck, if Ron Paul hops out of the GOP and runs as an independent, he will screw up all your "SCATTERED" votes.

Count on it.



golden ticket member
Dont be so sure Moreluck, if Ron Paul hops out of the GOP and runs as an independent, he will screw up all your "SCATTERED" votes.

Count on it.

Ron Paul is severly lacking foreign policy of any kind and comes off as funkadelic crazy, but you can write him in on your presidential ballot.
I got news for you, if 64% didnt like romney during the primary, they wont like him in november either. 64% anti romney vote after romney spent 28 million dollars in NH shows he is WEAK. I like the mischaracterization by the FOXED SPEWS coverage about santorum and gingrich saying they got a "BUMP" in NH.

This is not true. There was no BUMP, the additional votes were merely the BACHMAN votes that no longer went to bachman since she dropped out of the campaign.

In fact, If Santorum, huntsman, Gingrich and Perry would drop out of the race, RON PAUL would wipe the floor with Romney based on real conservative principles. Since they wont drop out, PAUL is running a close second and will win South Carolina. I believe, the others are staying in the race only because the republicans with the real money behind the scenes dont want PAUL to win and by having the other dummies in the race, that prevents PAUL from getting that 64% anti Romney vote.

RON PAUL is the real grass roots republican.

The others are merely the puppets of right wing money.

64% anti Romney is a weak victory and as the polls show, head to head with Obama, Romney loses.

Do you really believe this crap?
Seriously TOS, you need to pick a direction with your twists and stick to them, at least till the next post. In one sentence you say, "
if 64% didnt like romney during the primary, they wont like him in november either." indicating that they will no vote of Obama. Really?
Then you say,
" additional votes were merely the BACHMAN votes that no longer went to bachman since she dropped out of the campaign.", indicating that people who would have voted for Bachmann moved to another candidate. That is exactly the same principle that Moreluck was talking about and direct opposite theories of your two sentences.

I've got news for YOU TOS, the vast majority of republicans will vote for whoever wins the nomination in the general. I'm not saying it's gonna be Romney, but even if it is, he will keep the majority of republican voters. One exception to that would be if Paul of some other conservative ran as an independent.
