Retired UPS Management willing to answer all questions that you are are afraid to ask.

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Nine Lives
Not sure if this question has been asked, has management noticed, as a whole, the level of commitment from younger drivers and sups alike deteriorate as the company becomes less personal, more faceless to the employees? Does lower operations management fear their jobs becoming obsolete, and the daily justification of their jobs on conference calls to meet metrics give them a feeling of plan facilitators, resulting in the "I'm here to collect a check" mentality trickle down to the labor, does upper management address this or is this the intended direction of the company, automation and less management.
It is an unintended consequence.


I just recently retired from Management at UPS. My way of giving back will be to answer any questions you may have about Management or UPS in General. If I don't have the answer I have many retired friends I can consult. I will check for questions at night and post answers the following day if possible.

Does UPS give severance pay to hourly non-union employees when they are terminated? There weren't any disciplinary problems or actions. Termination was administrative.


Retired 22 years
Yes...from what I've heard. Especially when there a

From what I've heard yes...but mostly to union and when there is a potential lawsuit.

I don't think that would be called severance pay----more likely called "hush money"


Well-Known Member
I'm a hard worker and finally started giving attitude and claiming to work at a safe pace and now the full timer and supervisor are giving me a hard time and trying to write me up all the time? How can I fight back? Their trying to get me for MISLOADS and tardiness when ever I happen to be 1-3 minutes late. or the only thing I can do is just make sure I'm on time at work and just stop misloading? I'm a loader
Honestly, If you have an attendance problem, mislead problem & an attitude problem I think your management team has a right to question your work ethic. You need to take a look at yourself and really decide who is to blame for the problems you are having. The job is not for everyone so you might want to consider another line of work. Good Luck to you.
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