Retirement Diet


Retired 23 years

I used to listen to Wolfman Jack on WLS out of Chicago late at night in the early 60's--also Dick Biondi. Biondi got fired for telling the joke on air about if the girls dresses got any shorter they would have to powder 2 more cheeks and put lipstick on 2 more lips. He was fired 32 times from different radio stations. Anyone remember Chicken Man?
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
After spending 10 days in the hospital after having half my colon removed I was placed on a liquid diet via IV, no water or food, orally, I decided that fasting was not best the way to lose weight. I lost 20lbs from 175 to 155. I retired 3yrs later and I gained weight up to 195lbs.
So, I changed my diet to light beer. Now I am 180lbs and I attribute it to my specialized diet.

Beef Beer Quantity.
Life is too short to worry about how long you are going to live.

BBQ is no doubt the diet for everyone with half their colon missing . Whatever works and more power to ya . Those bouts in the hospital are never good .


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I used to listen to Wolfman Jack on WLS out of Chicago late at night in the early 60's--also Dick Biondi. Biondi got fired for telling the joke on air about if the girls dresses got any shorter they would have to powder 2 more cheeks and put lipstick on 2 more lips. He was fired 32 times from different radio stations. Anyone remember Chicken Man?
Don't remember Chicken Man ..We were a 1000 miles from Chicago and listened to WLS . Thought we were cool , WLS , 130 in the morning , livin' large .


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
check out nutritionaction as well. theyre not necessarily vegetarian, but they do have a calorie density graph somewhere where suprise suprise, the lowest calories foods are fruits and veggies.

they also got something on there called `chemical cuisine`` where they rate all the additives that are put in food.

basically you want to avoid added sugars, and just add fruit yourself to foods that need sweetness.

i eat tacos because you can really load them up with veggies and your not getting too much salt with the wrap.
Thanks..will do . Been doing all kinds of fruit since I started this . Honey on the oats instead the 2 scoops of sugar . The chocolate has been replaced by double dipped dark chocolate covered almonds . My Taco Bell trip is now bean burrito .. the meat demon is in that taco ( HaHa ).. Whats on the table is what you bring home .. its been interesting .


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thanks..will do . Been doing all kinds of fruit since I started this . Honey on the oats instead the 2 scoops of sugar . The chocolate has been replaced by double dipped dark chocolate covered almonds . My Taco Bell trip is now bean burrito .. the meat demon is in that taco ( HaHa ).. Whats on the table is what you bring home .. its been interesting .
yea right on. most cereals are have too much added sugar so it makes sense to buy ones with out it and add fruit or whatever.

you know what caught me off guard is i used to eat at quiznoes until i discovered how much salt they put in their sandwhiches.

my dad has gallstones right now which is likely mostly because of his diet.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
yea right on. most cereals are have too much added sugar so it makes sense to buy ones with out it and add fruit or whatever.

you know what caught me off guard is i used to eat at quiznoes until i discovered how much salt they put in their sandwhiches.

my dad has gallstones right now which is likely mostly because of his diet.
everything , and I mean just about everything you buy or eat out is way over salted


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
In many cases salts are preserving foods. Spoiled food will kill you faster than excessive salt.
Food is so full of chemical preservatives the salt they use is really almost not needed.
Thats why you can buy a McDonalds hamburger put it in your pocket for 2 years , take it out , put it in a drawer for 12 more years and it looks like it did the day you bought it . ( True story )


I'm a star
Food is so full of chemical preservatives the salt they use is really almost not needed.
Thats why you can buy a McDonalds hamburger put it in your pocket for 2 years , take it out , put it in a drawer for 12 more years and it looks like it did the day you bought it . ( True story )

Salt is a chemical preservative.


Well-Known Member
convienently for me i love taco ingredients.

spanish have hte longest life expectancy in america even though they are poorer, underinsured, etc. its likely because of their diet.



Well-Known Member
Salt is a chemical preservative.
View attachment 181128
Chemical Cuisine | Center for Science in the Public Interest

CSPI ranks the safety of food additives—from acetic acid to yellow prussiate of soda—in this definitive glossary of the chemicals used to flavor and preserve our foods.
Deciding what foods to buy was simpler when most food came from farms. Now, factory-made foods have made chemical additives a significant part of our diet.

In general, it's best to avoid the following ingredients.

  • Artificial sweeteners: Aspartame, Acesulfame K, Saccharin, Sucralose
  • Food dyes
  • Mycoprotein (Quorn-brand meat substitutes)
  • Partially hydrogenated oils (trans fat)
And don't forget to cut back on sugar and salt, which cause more harm than all the other additives combined.

See our Overview of Food Additives Infographic to learn more.

Note: Some substances added to the food supply are deemed "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) without so much as a quick review by the Food and Drug Administration. Learn more here.

Can’t Find What You are Looking For?
  • Check out our listing of Banned Additives.
  • Sometimes an additive may appear on the label multiple ways. If the additive you’re interested in has two names, check our listing under both the first and last names. For example:
    • We list “Xanthan Gum” under “Gums"
    • We list “Disodium Inosinate” under “Inosine Monophosphate (IMP, Disodium Inosinate)
    • We list “Potassium Sorbate” under “Sorbic Acid, Potassium Sorbate
  • Learn more about food additive regulation at More Loophole Than Law: The Food Additives Testing and Approval Process.
  • Cancer Testing explains more about safety testing.
  • Interested in the definition of emulsifier or acidulant? Consult our Glossary.
  • Still can’t find it? While Chemical Cuisine lists the most commonly used additives, it does not list all of the thousands used in the food supply. Let us know what additive you want to know about, and in what food you found it. We add additional additives as resources allow.


happily retired
Bikes , walking , and gyms have not let me eat what I want even in moderation. Never gained a bunch of weight , but seen where it was going . Just sayin' , after retiring it was easy to eat anything and everything and not think about it , all the while putting on a pound here and there and before you know it , your overweight , high cholesterol , high bp , and don't won't to get out of the chair because you really don't feel like it . So, this hippie diet of fruits , nuts , beans , rice , and vegetables , really surprised me with the results.


happily retired
I gave up the highly processed foods, (pasta,pizza, bread, cereal, hot dogs, deli meat, etc. any convenience food), and drastically slowed down on beer and wine. Quit eating away from home 95% of the time. Trying to stay on a mostly whole-food-plant-based-lifestyle, but I believe totally vegan isn't really the way to go. Paleo/Vegan = Pegan Good quality fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all necessary nutrients. Probiotics are good for us. (yogurt, kombucha, kefir, etc.). Grass-fed meat products, pastured-poultry, non-CAFO. At the very most basic, preparing your food at home from scratch (mostly) is way more healthy than buying ready-made foods that are full of additives. I guarantee, you will be misunderstood by almost everyone you know. My own dear hubby still doesn't get it when I refuse to use the condiments he loves, even when the first listed ingredient is High Fructose Corn Syrup. They say "oh, a couple bites won't hurt you." I try to explain that if I believe a certain food is probably not on my "OK" list, that I won't cave in just because it tastes good. I can tell it hurts his feelings when I don't want to eat pancakes, or waffles, or biscuits and gravy or any fast food whatsoever. :wornout: I always tell him,"you know, that is all so delicious, but I just can't do it. It's on my NO list. Please don't take it personally." Good health starts in our intestines.