Can someone please explain how you reach senority as a driver? :lol:
B beach2626 Active Member Mar 16, 2006 #1 Can someone please explain how you reach senority as a driver?
W wily_old_vet Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2006 #2 First what did you find out about how many days you have worked since Jan 1st?
B beach2626 Active Member Mar 16, 2006 #3 I have 18 days from jan 1st until present. From October 1st-15th I have 10. Every driver that I go to tells me a new thing on how you count your days. I cotacted the business agent today, still waiting to see what happens.
I have 18 days from jan 1st until present. From October 1st-15th I have 10. Every driver that I go to tells me a new thing on how you count your days. I cotacted the business agent today, still waiting to see what happens.
OldUPSDriver Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2006 #4 I don't think your October 10 days will count as in most places that "Free Period". They also seem to be outside the 30 days in 90 rule. JMO
I don't think your October 10 days will count as in most places that "Free Period". They also seem to be outside the 30 days in 90 rule. JMO
W wily_old_vet Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2006 #5 Just let us know what the business agent says. Good luck
F Fredly000 Just Another in Brown Mar 16, 2006 #6 Any time behind the wheel(delivering) is considered a day driven. and counts toward your 30.