My state will go smoke free (public places) on Oct. 1st. It will come to your state sooner than later. I wonder how long UPS will continue to allow smoking in their package cars and feeders. I bet not for long. P.S. Although I'm a non-smoker now, I did smoke for 25 of my 30 years at UPS and knowing that smoldering cig was waiting for me back at the truck did play a part in keeping me sane. However, I was told on occasion that I smelled like a ciggarette.
Rod, many yrs ago here, a friend o mine was totally disgusted with having to share tractors with smokers. Company just fluffed it off and told him and others to just live with it and shuttup. Of course, the smokers totally had consideration and would not smoke in tractors (sarcasm detected? If not, detect it!). We had some arrogant boneheads come right out and say nobody was gonna tell them what to do in these machines! Makes you just wanna leave an open 55-gal can o Flatulence for them to enjoy on their shift!
We drew up letter with petition, presented it to D/M and edict was handed down banning smoking in P/C, feeders, shifters, any vehicle we had, but just locally. You know what? Company still fluffing it off! "Well, we're trying to work with the smokers!" Only recently (this edict has been in effect for more then 15 yrs, at least), has the company been shuffling tractor assignments around trying to accomodate smokers to smokers but STILL??? We got a local policy against it here but company won't follow policy!!!!
So, my feeling on your comment about how long the company will allow it...THEY WON'T STAND FOR IT! Well, maybe on paper! But, like so many things here, in practice is a diff story.