Sound of Freedom movie shows the evil of liberals and LGBTQs


Well-Known Member
One president with dementia doesn't represent the power of all presidents. What you want is a king who rules by decree. I can see democracy isn't your strong suit.
What? Quite the opposite I don’t want there to be a president or a federal government at all. I want to start completely from scratch like 1776 because the system we have is a corrupt disgrace

We don’t have a democracy we have a republic. Or we’re supposed to anyway. What we’ve got now is far from either
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What? Quite the opposite I don’t want there to be a president or a federal government at all. I want to start completely from scratch like 1776 because the system we have is a corrupt disgrace

We don’t have a democracy we have a republic. Or we’re supposed to anyway. What we’ve got now is far from either
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.


Well-Known Member
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.
Well that all sounds great in theory but it hasn’t been that way for at least 50 years. The system is only as good as the people running it and they’re almost all rotten. Same with the elections almost nobody believes they’re legitimate. 81 million votes for a vegetable? Yeah okay


Well-Known Member
Imagine making a thread to complain about people who are trying to stop child sex trafficking.

These leftists have no shame.

We libturds have no problem with doing everything to stop child trafficking.

We have a problem with one side that says liberals traffic children to drink their blood to maintain youth. We have a problem with a side that thinks their leader is a secret singular person who will bring down child trafficking that is only done by liberals and that no conservatives are involved. We have a problem with conservatives who use a legitimate issue as a wedge issue and portray the other side as the only perpetrators of evil.


Well-Known Member
We libturds have no problem with doing everything to stop child trafficking.

We have a problem with one side that says liberals traffic children to drink their blood to maintain youth. We have a problem with a side that thinks their leader is a secret singular person who will bring down child trafficking that is only done by liberals and that no conservatives are involved. We have a problem with conservatives who use a legitimate issue as a wedge issue and portray the other side as the only perpetrators of evil.
But your side is attacking "Sound of Freedom" but nowhere in the movie does it say this is a problem of liberal Americans doing, not conservatives.

It's your side that's characterizing removal of inappropriate material from school libraries as banning books. It's been clearly demonstrated on this forum by Box Ox what kind of material is being objected to yet conservatives are being labeled Nazis for wanting it removed.

It's your side that has sponsored drag queen shows around the country that schools have encouraged families and their students to attend. And yet those families are subjected to grown men in flamboyant costumes putting out highly sexualized innuendo. Which they deemed as appropriate for children.

I'm not familiar with the drinking blood stuff. Have never seen that on the conservative tv talk shows and haven't heard it on talk radio. Nor have I heard that Trump would stop child trafficking. Trump was making an effort to seal off the southern border and was fought nonstop over that. Well documented that cartels were paying poor people to use their kids in a loophole of U.S. policy that would assist them to gain entrance into the States. And a lot of those kids disappeared once brought across. 85,000 kids last I heard can't be accounted for by our government.


nowhere special
But your side is attacking "Sound of Freedom" but nowhere in the movie does it say this is a problem of liberal Americans doing, not conservatives.

It's your side that's characterizing removal of inappropriate material from school libraries as banning books. It's been clearly demonstrated on this forum by Box Ox what kind of material is being objected to yet conservatives are being labeled Nazis for wanting it removed.

It's your side that has sponsored drag queen shows around the country that schools have encouraged families and their students to attend. And yet those families are subjected to grown men in flamboyant costumes putting out highly sexualized innuendo. Which they deemed as appropriate for children.

I'm not familiar with the drinking blood stuff. Have never seen that on the conservative tv talk shows and haven't heard it on talk radio. Nor have I heard that Trump would stop child trafficking. Trump was making an effort to seal off the southern border and was fought nonstop over that. Well documented that cartels were paying poor people to use their kids in a loophole of U.S. policy that would assist them to gain entrance into the States. And a lot of those kids disappeared once brought across. 85,000 kids last I heard can't be accounted for by our government.


Well-Known Member
We libturds have no problem with doing everything to stop child trafficking.

We have a problem with one side that says liberals traffic children to drink their blood to maintain youth. We have a problem with a side that thinks their leader is a secret singular person who will bring down child trafficking that is only done by liberals and that no conservatives are involved. We have a problem with conservatives who use a legitimate issue as a wedge issue and portray the other side as the only perpetrators of evil.
So what’s your problem with me? I’m really only calling you out because you’re making light of the problem. I know the first thing you did was diminish a movie that shed light on the problem without even knowing anything about the movie other than what you heard. I’m sure you’ve heard the movie is alined with a Christian organization which supposedly you’re a Christian so I don’t know why you would care about that unless you’re not really a Christian. After all
Matthew 18:6 says
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.


Wrong. you have no say in anything that happens in Washington which is why the only way you can fight the system now is in your local community and maybe at a state level. Just forget about DC. They’re dead
I wish more people would understand this. And ultimately, it's your State and City laws that have more of an effect on your daily life.
Imagine saying someone who embodies the Seven Deadly Sins was chosen by God (The Holy Trinity), to lead us.

How many times has he been hit by lightning?


if you want to help children, then stop capitalism and give more power to the workers. capitalists have too much power and end up ripping off their workers, and the capitalists end up taking all the money for themselves. capitalists corrupt govt regulations and get workers to work in unsafe conditions which injures workers so that they die young or are disabled and end up in poverty. capitalists corrupt the mainstream media so people believe huge lies.

if you want to help children, stop the wars, bring all the troops home. your imperialism is bringing poverty to the world.



nowhere special
if you want to help children, then stop capitalism and give more power to the workers. capitalists have too much power and end up ripping off their workers, and the capitalists end up taking all the money for themselves. capitalists corrupt govt regulations and get workers to work in unsafe conditions which injures workers so that they die young or are disabled and end up in poverty. capitalists corrupt the mainstream media so people believe huge lies.

if you want to help children, stop the wars, bring all the troops home. your imperialism is bringing poverty to the world.

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