Southern Supplement


The one who does not exists
What's up my fellow members... Does anyone know the Southern Supplement at a high level? If so, please pm...


The one who does not exists
lol I see... that's why I stated, someone can PM me if they are comfortable with knowledge of this supplement...


The one who does not exists
It's out there, you can read it, then you can be comfortable in that knowledge and talk with yourself on front of the mirror.
very funny, this is exactly what I did not want.... the jokes and/or unwanted conversation... I don't mine a good joke here and there but I would like to get some I took the PM route... also to answer your question, I did read the supplement and educated myself in its regard... but there is alot to leave up to misinterpretation etc.


Well-Known Member
very funny, this is exactly what I did not want.... the jokes and/or unwanted conversation... I don't mine a good joke here and there but I would like to get some I took the PM route... also to answer your question, I did read the supplement and educated myself in its regard... but there is alot to leave up to misinterpretation etc.
This is more involved that I can help which is why I tagged @BakerMayfield2018 he will know more than me .


Well-Known Member
very funny, this is exactly what I did not want.... the jokes and/or unwanted conversation... I don't mine a good joke here and there but I would like to get some I took the PM route... also to answer your question, I did read the supplement and educated myself in its regard... but there is alot to leave up to misinterpretation etc.
Welcome to browncafe. Ask a question and get a bunch of lame jokes in the hope of likes and smiley faces.


I love my job. Don't you?
Not trying to be rude but have you went to your union hall and asked the specific question you need answered? Or talked to your steward?


The one who does not exists
Not trying to be rude but have you went to your union hall and asked the specific question you need answered? Or talked to your steward?
Yes, and that's the reason I am digging deeper. At one point, they agreed with me 2 weeks later they flip flopped... I will leave it there...
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The one who does not exists
And there in lies the problem. Unfortunately you don't get final say on how its interpreted. The deck is stacked--always has been. Good luck.
so stacked against us? if so, that means they can do something positive for one and negative toward another employee...


Well-Known Member
What's up my fellow members... Does anyone know the Southern Supplement at a high level? If so, please pm...

To be honest your best bet is to just ask your question publicly. Most that know what they are talking about won't take the time to PM you unless necessary.

@Box Ox is a southern guy. He knows the contract front to back like nipsey hussle songs.


Retired 23 years
so stacked against us? if so, that means they can do something positive for one and negative toward another employee...
Now you are catching on. Its all a big game. Our side gets to win some and their side gets to win some and it don't matter one way or the other to either side. As long as they both can report back that they have won a few all is good.


The one who does not exists
Now you are catching on. Its all a big game. Our side gets to win some and their side gets to win some and it don't matter one way or the other to either side. As long as they both can report back that they have won a few all is good.
well said, and that makes clear sense...When an employee has a few issues they will only fight the one that works for them.. (the easy fight) then go back, as you stated and say... hey we won...