Spouse work transfer

G.V. Rush

All Encompassing Member
In the near future my wife may end up getting transferred in state for her job. Considering any hub in my region, the waitlist to transfer is many many years long. What am I supposed to do? Leave UPS as an uneducated 35 year old and work at Home Depot? :censored2: that! Is there anything UPS would offer/help me to stay within the company in the area my wife and kids would be relocating? Or am I just SOL? I’m not interested in starting over with no college degree in my mid-30’s. Heck, I’d even go into management if it meant I’d still be on the payroll. What you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Unless your wife is making loads of money more than you, I think it's time you have a talk with your wife and let her know that you won't be able to afford your current lifestyle if you move as you'll have to leave your job. Obviously don't come off as a prick about it, but explain why you'd have to leave the company/etc. Hopefully she's understanding....


Go big or go home!
You can request a hardship transfer. I know of three people (two drivers and one full time sup) who have transferred because their spouses jobs were forcefully moved.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
In the near future my wife may end up getting transferred in state for her job. Considering any hub in my region, the waitlist to transfer is many many years long. What am I supposed to do? Leave UPS as an uneducated 35 year old and work at Home Depot? :censored2: that! Is there anything UPS would offer/help me to stay within the company in the area my wife and kids would be relocating? Or am I just SOL? I’m not interested in starting over with no college degree in my mid-30’s. Heck, I’d even go into management if it meant I’d still be on the payroll. What you guys think?

Show her who wears the pants in the family by politely encouraging her to seek a gig local to her husband.


Well-Known Member


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
All my wives knew the UPS job was stuck with no chance of moving out of the local. This should never be an issue unless wifey just is thinking about herself?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
You can request a hardship transfer. I know of three people (two drivers and one full time sup) who have transferred because their spouses jobs were forcefully moved.[/QUOTE
Might screw up the pension after 15 years?
In the near future my wife may end up getting transferred in state for her job. Considering any hub in my region, the waitlist to transfer is many many years long. What am I supposed to do? Leave UPS as an uneducated 35 year old and work at Home Depot? :censored2: that! Is there anything UPS would offer/help me to stay within the company in the area my wife and kids would be relocating? Or am I just SOL? I’m not interested in starting over with no college degree in my mid-30’s. Heck, I’d even go into management if it meant I’d still be on the payroll. What you guys think?
What is your position now?


Im not the Mail Man!
Nor Cal? If so, your transfer options are limited but not impossible. There are options, I know of Angels Camp, Santa Cruz, Salinas, San Jose and Stockton all taking transfers. One driver just transferred to Reno. With the push to Sunday deliveries pretty much all buildings will be hiring thus accepting transfers. Check with HR for the lists and then with your local for the restrictions


Well-Known Member
In the near future my wife may end up getting transferred in state for her job. Considering any hub in my region, the waitlist to transfer is many many years long. What am I supposed to do? Leave UPS as an uneducated 35 year old and work at Home Depot? :censored2: that! Is there anything UPS would offer/help me to stay within the company in the area my wife and kids would be relocating? Or am I just SOL? I’m not interested in starting over with no college degree in my mid-30’s. Heck, I’d even go into management if it meant I’d still be on the payroll. What you guys think?

Only spousal transfer I know of in the contract is for military. Good luck man.


Go big or go home!
Might screw up the pension after 15 years?

True, you’ll also lose your building seniority. However, you can keep your job and the majority of your benefits / time off accrued.

Only spousal transfer I know of in the contract is for military. Good luck man.

I’ve only seen one military spouse transfer. The other two were spouses work transfer. You basically have your spouse move first, then claim the hardship. That way the company is more compelled (not required mind you) to give you the transfer.

Like I said before, I have seen it three times. I also am in NorCal joint council 7 jurisdiction. We allow transfers in our JC but for some reason we are not part of the western conference transfer agreement.