Stand up Part-timers


That’s Craptacular
The rule is simple.. The company cannot discriminate.. What they do to one they have to do to all.. Your suspension or termination shouldn't be upheld if you can show there are others not being held to the same standard.. If you are a seniority employee who has rights under the contract... I also wish people would remember that we are the union.. Stewards should be elected.. If you have a crappy steward and you want change.. Step up and put your name in as steward.. Learn your contact.. Vote.. Go to your local union meetings held each month.. Each person can make a difference. Or center is considerably different since we the employees put our foot down...
What standard? Attendance is subjective.
Example...3 employees (all 3 previously have received verbal warnings for attendance in the last 9 months) call in the same 2 days in a row. One has sick days, one has no sick days left but brings in a dr's note excusing him for 2 days for illness and the 3rd has no note and no sick days left. So, adhering to a "standard".....should they ALL receive warning letters?


Active Member
I'm talking about unexcused absences.. A person can use option 3 days and vacation days afforded to them and not be in trouble.. A person that may have 11 unexcused absences should not recieve any form of discipline if there is another person who has 11 unexcused absences that has not been disciplined. That would not be equal treatment.. Thats what i meant by the same standard.


Active Member
If an absence is excused by the company there should be no discipline.. Example.. I call my supervisor.. I don't feel well today can you cover me.. Supervisor says OK feel better and see you tomorrow.. That is not an unexcused absence. You were given permission to take the day off.. If the supervisor says no I can't cover you.. I need you.. Then that's an unexcused absence


That’s Craptacular
If an absence is excused by the company there should be no discipline.. Example.. I call my supervisor.. I don't feel well today can you cover me.. Supervisor says OK feel better and see you tomorrow.. That is not an unexcused absence. You were given permission to take the day off.. If the supervisor says no I can't cover you.. I need you.. Then that's an unexcused absence
First of all, it should be...I don't feel well, I won't be able to make it in today. It's not a question...I don't care how shorthanded they are, that's sound like a whole lot of a management problem.

We no longer speak to a live person to call in sick. I call...leave a message...and text my sup to cover my ass (I don't trust UPS voicemail) I do not need nor do I receive permission to take a sick day. I only need permission to request a personal day in advance.


Active Member
Do all centers offer option 3 days at year 2?? But yes.. Your right.. If you have the days available you don't need permission but.. if you have no days available and your boss says he can cover you it is an excused absence whether you have days or not..


That’s Craptacular
Do all centers offer option 3 days at year 2?? But yes.. Your right.. If you have the days available you don't need permission but.. if you have no days available and your boss says he can cover you it is an excused absence whether you have days or not..
We don't have option weeks in my local. I'm here 8 years and I get 6 personals and 5 sick days a year. Agreed, if you have no days left and you get a sup's's an excused absence....we're allowed to do that and they'll pay us for a personal day during the lull in February after peak and Valentine's day.


Active Member
We don't have option weeks in my local. I'm here 8 years and I get 6 personals and 5 sick days a year. Agreed, if you have no days left and you get a sup's's an excused absence....we're allowed to do that and they'll pay us for a personal day during the lull in February after peak and Valentine's day.
Option 3 days are my best friend.. No prior approval needed to take the day off and no explanation required. Just I'm not coming in today. 8 days a year I can take anytime.. Even during peak. Then we get 1 or 2 extra option 1 days we need approval for. Its suprising how each region is different.


That’s Craptacular
Option 3 days are my best friend.. No prior approval needed to take the day off and no explanation required. Just I'm not coming in today. 8 days a year I can take anytime.. Even during peak. Then we get 1 or 2 extra option 1 days we need approval for. Its suprising how each region is different.
No prior approval and no explanation required? We call those "sick days" in my


That’s Craptacular
Our local doesn't differentiate personal days and sick days.. An option 3 day is a day off for whatever reason and then we get option days we are required to ask permission to take..
So just many paid days or option weeks do you get a year...or does it vary by seniority?


Active Member
It varies by seniority.. Year one is 1 paid vacation week.. Year two is one paid week and your choice of 3 different option day choices which allows you a second week vacation or x amount of hours to be used whenever or 8 days to be used whenever.. Then year 5 you get another vacation week and the next comes at year 10.


Active Member
So just many paid days or option weeks do you get a year...or does it vary by seniority?
I've been with ups 10 years and I get 3 weeks vacation and 8 option days and 2 option days that require approval to have the day off.. But I choose option 3.. If I elected option 1 I would get 4 weeks paid vacation and no 8 days to take whenever I want.. Depends on what you pick and we can change it in September of each year