Storming the Capitol


I'm a star
They make the music better and the lights more colorful and interesting!


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

I've never had anything but positive experiences but I've never taken more than one dose in a week period.
Shrooms are very good too especially for the mystic aspect.
Shrooms and LSD work on the same receptors and it takes about a week for the receptors to become receptive after dosing.
I have micro-dosed in the past for therapeutic purposes ... I feel more motivated and sharper.

I always feel more 'caring' for others and introspective when using these.

Molly doesn't have the same effect ... different receptors.


I'm a star
I've never had anything but positive experiences but I've never taken more than one dose in a week period.
Shrooms are very good too especially for the mystic aspect.
Shrooms and LSD work on the same receptors and it takes about a week for the receptors to become receptive after dosing.
I have micro-dosed in the past for therapeutic purposes ... I feel more motivated and sharper.

I always feel more 'caring' for others and introspective when using these.

Molly doesn't have the same effect ... different receptors.

The point is that psychotropic drugs can mimic a religious experience. if one were to argue that religious leaeders are the only ones who somehow hold sway over people, then you must accept the fact that they do indeed have powers derived from a supernatural source. Or, it's possible that there exist neural pathways through which, with the proper understanding and/or the application of psychotropic substances, a person can manipulate the thoughts and potentially actions of others. When you don't believe in the supernatural, you must necessarily believe the other option must be true. Denial of that is contradictory, and expressing such reveals a deep cognitive dissonance.


Well-Known Member
And your studies have lead you to believe it’s a magic potion that removes free will. Cool, no wonder you think that’s the important factor in the Manson family murders/ Trump attempted insurrection. Lots of Trump supports use alcohol, I bet that’s why they were so open to control by Trump. SMH
mansion murders is a nonsense argument. It was proven that the attack was preplanned and therefore was not caused by Trumps first ammendment protected speech. your side lost in their desperate attempt . you are not allowed a consolation prize


I'm a star
mansion murders is a nonsense argument. It was proven that the attack was preplanned and therefore was not caused by Trumps first ammendment protected speech. your side lost in their desperate attempt . you are not allowed a consolation prize

But Trump has mystical powers that allows him to affect changes to the physical world through nothing more than speech. He is a fearsome god to these poor, beleaguered souls. The are completely justified in their hysteria driven terror of his almighty powers.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
But Trump has mystical powers that allows him to affect changes to the physical world through nothing more than speech. He is a fearsome god to these poor, beleaguered souls. The are completely justified in their hysteria driven terror of his almighty powers.

“poor, beleaguered souls” .. all I saw were a bunch of “yahoo’s “ who were caught up doing regrettable actions. The only shot fired that day was from law enforcement that killed a unarmed woman, a Trump supporter trying to climb through a window..

The ones that assaulted law enforcement and destroyed property should be prosecuted in accordance to how these Portland rioters are sentenced. Most of these poor souls in DC regret their actions, those prior rioters and looters on the left less so...


I'm a star
“poor, beleaguered souls” .. all I saw were a bunch of “yahoo’s “ who were caught up doing regrettable actions. The only shot fired that day was from law enforcement that killed a unarmed woman, a Trump supporter trying to climb through a window..

The ones that assaulted law enforcement and destroyed property should be prosecuted in accordance to how these Portland rioters are sentenced. Most of these poor souls in DC regret their actions, those prior rioters and looters on the left less so...

No, I was talking about anti-trumpers. They actually seem to believe Trump has supernatural powers, then turn around and say his supporters worship him as a god. It's the only way, in their minds, that they can reconcile the existence of Trump supporters at all. It couldn't be that we weighed the evidence and came to our own conclusions, we must be under some spell.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The point is that psychotropic drugs can mimic a religious experience. if one were to argue that religious leaeders are the only ones who somehow hold sway over people, then you must accept the fact that they do indeed have powers derived from a supernatural source. Or, it's possible that there exist neural pathways through which, with the proper understanding and/or the application of psychotropic substances, a person can manipulate the thoughts and potentially actions of others. When you don't believe in the supernatural, you must necessarily believe the other option must be true. Denial of that is contradictory, and expressing such reveals a deep cognitive dissonance.
I am of the opinion that some people, a few on here, do not possess the "supernatural/religion" gene.
They are usually the same people that cannot see that Atheism is a religion itself.


Well-Known Member
But Trump has mystical powers that allows him to affect changes to the physical world through nothing more than speech. He is a fearsome god to these poor, beleaguered souls. The are completely justified in their hysteria driven terror of his almighty powers.
he is a fearsome god who leads the programmed zealots while at the same time a stooge of the russians.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately for you, I don't accept your premise that fraud has to be proven in court to have taken place. Of course that's the only way anything would officially be done about it. You proved my claim that judges used questionable, more like illegitimate, legal doctrines to avoid hearing cases. I posted a confession concerning a conspiracy to prevent Trump from challenging the election. You don't have to do that unless you have something to hide.
That's not unfortunate for me, it's unfortunate for you. You're free to "believe" there was fraud, just like you're free to believe in Santa Claus, Bigfoot, etc. But the world will continue to go on regardless. Secondly, who knows more about election law jurisprudence? You? Or the entire United States judiciary branch? Good thing law proceeds from the courts, not partisan message board warriors, I guess.

That's not my argument, Molly Ball used those words. Keep trying to straw man me though. Elites see it as their duty to steer humanity like cattle. That's undeniable, not nonsense. You just like what they are doing so you are ok with it, and profane those who tell the truth so as to draw attention away from the man behind the curtain.
Don't you lambast the leftwing media at every opportunity? Yet when that very same media produces something sympathetic to your cause, you lap up every word and share it every chance you can get. If it was something negative to Trump, you wouldn't have got past the first sentence. So now Molly Ball's word is gospel, huh? This opinion piece from Time now proves there was a grand conspiracy and the entirety of the United States judiciary was in on it? Judges appointed from Trump to Reagan in five different states all "had it in" against Trump?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--

Recognize anything relating to current events?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--

Recognize anything relating to current events?
Nope. Please elaborate on all the abuses you suffer from the government? Current right wing grievances are mostly white nationalism.