Storming the Capitol

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I'm not a registered Democrat and I've always condemned the actions of the hard left. I *ing despise the hard left. I despise the communist Chinese regime too.

Today might be what the Chinese will be pointing to for years to come.
Unfortunately, today might be what many countries will be pointing to for years to come.


Staff member
What exactly do you think civil war looks like? If we aren't careful we will lose this country, and it could get a lot worse. All because one party was willing to do just about anything to win an election, and that wasn't the Republicans. And Democrats have been priming this anger for 4+ years with their lies and machinations. Democrats' chickens have come home to roost.
I'm not saying they don't deserve it.

Karma is a *.

But we are better than this. This is trying to enforce our will with violence.


I'm a star
I respect you.

But I did ask a question. What would be your reaction if the parties were in opposite roles, here.

Pardon my jumping in, but if the tables were turned, and democrats were denied access to the channels of recourse, over and over, I wouldn't blame them for being upset. But I don't know if too many non-establishment democrats, so it's hard to believe this sort of thing would ever happen to them.


Well-Known Member
So yeah about 40 or 50 people that made it inside the capital somehow . everybody else is standing outside peacefully protesting and you drama queens act like this is some kind of major ordeal. Guess what The capital is owned by the voters they have a right to be there in that capital as long as they're not tearing anything up or hurting anyone.


Well-Known Member
I respect you.

But I did ask a question. What would be your reaction if the parties were in opposite roles, here.
I respect you as well.

Role reversal, same facts I would understand it and have the same opinion.
The name of a party does not dictate policies, truth is truth no matter the messenger.

I am not a republican.


Staff member
Pardon my jumping in, but if the tables were turned, and democrats were denied access to the channels of recourse, over and over, I wouldn't blame them for being upset. But I don't know if too many non-establishment democrats, so it's hard to believe this sort of thing would ever happen to them.
I would categorize myself as one of the upset, absolutely.

Is the game rigged?
Yep. Little doubt.

But there is a difference between being upset, and going and rioting.


Well-Known Member
I'd be more worried about ovens if I supported people determining who our leaders would be by use of guns, fear, and force.
You're the reason that the Republicans have lost ground for years because you fold and whine like a little girl when we finally decide we've had enough and stand up to what is clearly a voting outrage


Well-Known Member
I would categorize myself as one of the upset, absolutely.

Is the game rigged?
Yep. Little doubt.

But there is a difference between being upset, and going and rioting.
nothing's getting burned The only thing that's happening is our leaders are getting a close up look at the voters for a change. They need to be reminded who they work for


Staff member
I respect you as well.

Role reversal, same facts I would understand it and have the same opinion.
The name of a party does not dictate policies, truth is truth no matter the messenger.

I am not a republican.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree on whether or not this is acceptable.

But I can appreciate that you would harbor the same opinion were the tables turned.


Staff member
You're the reason that the Republicans have lost ground for years because you fold and whine like a little girl when we finally decide we've had enough and stand up to what is clearly a voting outrage
I am no Republican.
I was considering registering as one.

Not anymore.
The libertarians can have my vote.


nowhere special
So yeah about 40 or 50 people that made it inside the capital somehow . everybody else is standing outside peacefully protesting and you drama queens act like this is some kind of major ordeal. Guess what The capital is owned by the voters they have a right to be there in that capital as long as they're not tearing anything up or hurting anyone.
The protestors broke in but didn't start burning anything. Cops still pointed guns at them and maybe started shooting. Plus used pepper spray that liberals previously hated.