Sunday Ground?


Well-Known Member
Greetings. Has anybody heard anything in regards to making Sunday a regular delivery day? I talked with someone in management earlier this week and they said there's a chance that we'll start Sunday deliveries next year, but nothing is confirmed yet, there's no plan. But I've been asking around and nobody else in management or in the union has heard anything about it. I think that with negotiations coming up this would be a big deal and somebody would have heard something by now.

I'm asking because I got about 10 years PT seniority and I want to go driving. But Sunday is an important day for me with family & such. So right now I'm still weighing my options about what's best. I don't doubt it will happen eventually, but do you think so soon by next year? Has anybody in any of your centers said anything similar or do you guys have any info?
I heard about Saturday delivery 3 years before it actually happened. So my guess is maybe towards the end of this contract they’re negotiating.