Swollen Prostate


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Staff member
Prostate cancer killed my dad. It spread into his lymph system and he bled to death internally. I get mine checked and a PSA screening every year.


Staff member
Not that I'm squeamish, but I wish they could find a less invasive way of checking. That said, better an uncomfortable doctors appointment than becoming one of the 26000.


Nine Lives
Over 26,000 men die from this cancer every year.

Prostate Cancer
I had mine checked this year and it was swollen but PSA was well within OK range.
Started taking Flomax and have passed 2 kidney stones in the last week.
I usually pass 4 or 5 stones per year.

Brother, can you spare a kidney?
Now I have to have my kidneys checked using the big orange jug.


Well-Known Member
Give a demonstration at a PCM?

Can you help me carry my chair in on monday?
