Talked to a Fed Ex driver


Well-Known Member
Recently, like most of you, I was asked to sit down and write 2 letters to my local elected officials about fedex and the NLRB. This got me thinking. Does the Fed ex driver want to be unionized? So I asked a Fed Ex express driver and was shocked to find out that he did not want to be. He told me that most senior drivers dont want this at all. It turns out that because of the airline distinction they have, they get great prices on airplane tickets as a perk. Also, the senior guys already are at top pay, so thats not an issue. Here is the kicker. He told me that yes we do make more than them, but from what he sees, we work a hell of a lot harder than they do. He is happy. Again, this is just one driver, this is not a wide variety. Just wondering what you guys have heard. Find it funny that we are trying to force something on somebody that doesnt want it.
I spoke with a senior Fedex package car driver last week. He does not want the union. And he said it would be a monopoly if UPS and FedEx were all Teamsters. He said it wouldn't be legal. So his reasons were a little different.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
I spoke with a senior Fedex package car driver last week. He does not want the union. And he said it would be a monopoly if UPS and FedEx were all Teamsters. He said it wouldn't be legal. So his reasons were a little different.
My reason is that i like my lil easy job and my percs and my benefits.If i was forced to work all day then i would have to quit.


Staff member
Correct,neither does an operator for Amercian.

But we're talking about drivers and drivers. Their jobs are to pick up and deliver packages. Both companies drivers get in a truck, deliver and pick up all day, and then return to the station. All without seeing an airplane.

I don't see any difference in what both companies truck drivers do.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
But we're talking about drivers and drivers. Their jobs are to pick up and deliver packages. Both companies drivers get in a truck, deliver and pick up all day, and then return to the station. All without seeing an airplane.

I don't see any difference in what both companies truck drivers do.
I see a difference if one company is an airline and one is not.If Ground and Express merged then i would agree that Fedex should no longer be under the RLA.


Staff member
The union coming in would have to be by majority vote. If everyones as happy as you say, this will never happen.

We were talking about equal classification for truck drivers. It should not change your job at all, wouldn't you agree?

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
The union coming in would have to be by majority vote. If everyones as happy as you say, this will never happen.

We were talking about equal classification for truck drivers. It should not change your job at all, wouldn't you agree?
It should not and will not are two different things.Under the RLA a majority vote for the entire company is needed,but on the local level,i can see some stations going union right away.What would it be like if some stations are union and some stations are not?Our service would start sucking and everyone would just go to UPS and then Fedex goes out of business.

This is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member

in honor of the discussion between over9five and fedex4life...


Well-Known Member
Part timers for UPS get minimum wage,Fedex part timers get the same pay as full timers.If the union came in,wouldnt our job change?Wouldnt it be more like UPS?

Not all part-timers for UPS make minimum wage, although that is starting pay. Also your job wouldn't necessarily change, nor would you have to go full time. That would be negotiated in the union contract IF your location became unionized.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
Also your job wouldn't necessarily change, nor would you have to go full time. That would be negotiated in the union contract IF your location became unionized.
Exactly its a big "IF"

If the union came in,everything could change,nothing could change.Who knows.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its the same job.You guys are leaving at like 830 in the morning with a full truck doing double the amount of stops we do in a day.You guys have a union but get fired for the dumbest crap.Your part timers make minimum wage.

Yeah its the same job,just yours is 4 times harder and more stressful.I even hear suicides are way up at UPS.

You make a very valid point. If you take the workload of both companies and take that in consideration when figuring out wage then fedex does have it better imo. They have a lighter workload and it seems like they could ultimately do this job for 30 years and be somewhat injury free, how many can say that about ups. Dont you all realize that much of ups drivers year end wages come from overtime. If you have both ups and fedex drivers with 40 hours a week then factor in the daily workload of each then fedex probably is a better place to work...then you factor in management styles of each company and fedex4sale does have a very solid statement.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You make a very valid point. If you take the workload of both companies and take that in consideration when figuring out wage then fedex does have it better imo. They have a lighter workload and it seems like they could ultimately do this job for 30 years and be somewhat injury free, how many can say that about ups. Dont you all realize that much of ups drivers year end wages come from overtime. If you have both ups and fedex drivers with 40 hours a week then factor in the daily workload of each then fedex probably is a better place to work...then you factor in management styles of each company and fedex4sale does have a very solid statement.

A heavier workload = job security. And not all Fed Ed Express packages go on a plane. Not that it matters though because 100% of the packages are delivered from a truck. For UPS this whole issue is about being fair. For FedEx its all about losing an exemption that will force them to compete based on service alone instead of of trying to scare our customers. If they are truly a competitive company then whether or not they can hide behind the RLA won't be a factor.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
You make a very valid point. If you take the workload of both companies and take that in consideration when figuring out wage then fedex does have it better imo. They have a lighter workload and it seems like they could ultimately do this job for 30 years and be somewhat injury free, how many can say that about ups. Dont you all realize that much of ups drivers year end wages come from overtime. If you have both ups and fedex drivers with 40 hours a week then factor in the daily workload of each then fedex probably is a better place to work...then you factor in management styles of each company and fedex4sale does have a very solid statement.
My station has some drivers that are really old.Been with the company since 74.They like to complain alot but all old people complain.But i could just imagine if thier job duties changed and became more like UPS.
The vacation would be over.