Telematics-Whats the REAL reason?


Man of Great Wisdom
You have to have faith in a system when a guy buried in an office far away knows my area so well that he can tell me to limit my backs to 15 a day.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I got two open bulkhead door. My fob musta got pressed by my belt and the door flies open, I dunno, I dont care. Im not going to stop in traffic to fix it.

I "butt dial" the bulkhead door with the fob at least 2 or 3 times a day.

Fortunately for me, I stopped caring about whether or not I show up on the report a long long time ago.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
MY boss told us " Starting next week , MONDAY ! , you WILL BE IN OFFICE , and get papers , if you are on a telematic report!

What a great deal! That means $46 an hour on OT to sit in the office and get "papers" that make great birdcage liners or fish wrappers or fire starter for my woodstove! I really do love those morning meetings, the bosses office is usually nice and warm and he has plush comfy seats in there and I get to put my coffee mug on the corner of his big shiny desk and leave a nice ring on it instead of using a coaster. Its a lot easier to earn $$ in the office having a meeting than it is to earn it slamming cardboard in the back of a package car!