Tentative Agreement is now Available



So you consider a union member that will be a hybrid driver a second class citizen? Go on tell me more..

What I consider is treating and paying another union member the same as other members. Maybe you should be telling me more. Am I missing something here?


Well-Known Member
How is it blinding me you don’t even know what I will vote. Doesn’t seem like sarcasm is yalls best traits.
Do you have Saturday ground at your building yet? Well let me tell you how it goes, they pull volume from Monday & Friday and cut routes out like crazy. This passes UPS will push even more volume to the weekend when the 22.4 are working.


My job is fun
Do you have Saturday ground at your building yet? Well let me tell you how it goes, they pull volume from Monday & Friday and cut routes out like crazy. This passes UPS will push even more volume to the weekend when the 22.4 are working.
No not yet. Not sure when we are getting it.


Knowledge is key, Experience is power.
Article 6 Section 6

No driver shall be issued a warning notice based solely upon the
above-mentioned systems without first having a verbal counseling
session on an identical infraction (e.g. two seat belt violations). Any
such discipline shall also comply with applicable Supplemental
disciplinary procedures and requirements.

So now they can use technology for discipline?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t be surprised if they start fazing out air drivers in larger hubs, that will have 22.4 jobs. Why use an Air driver when you have 22.4 Guys that have a 8 hour guarantee?


Knowledge is key, Experience is power.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they start faxing out air drivers in larger hubs, that will have 22.4 jobs. Why use an Air driver when you have 22.4 Guys that have a 8 hour guarantee?

11. Newly created 22.4 combination driver positions shall count
toward the newly created 22.3 jobs required by this Agreement.

Yes they can.