Today's USA Inflation Numbers !!!


Well-Known Member
Thank God we don't have to rely on solar panels here on East Coast . We haven't seen the sun in weeks . Getting all of your power from the sun and wind is just a fantasy , some people are just living in la la Land !!!
Germany tried a big conversion to such nonsense , ended up restarting the coal.


Well-Known Member
I would be far more receptive to this kind of talk if republicans talked and acted like it when they were in office.
and republicans would be more receptive if democrats had acted like it when they were in office
and democrats would be more receptive if republicans had acted like it when they were in office
and so on and so on


Well-Known Member
Beyond what would be available? What does that even mean?
Not that difficult. If Trump hadn't cut taxes y'all are claiming there would be a lot more money to pay for things. Biden's spending is way beyond the money that would be there if Trump hadn't cut taxes. Which is erroneous anyways because Trump's cuts actually increased Federal revenue.

Netsua 3:16

I don't know why you continue to get drunk and come on here to embarrass yourself.

To pay for all this spending, Biden proposes to borrow $3.7 trillion in FY 2021. Not surprisingly, the national debt under this plan is projected to increase from $24 trillion this year to $39 trillion by 2031.
Fake news
The media is controlled by liberals from China DIDO
You can’t believe what you read. Stay woke bruh