took a stance today

hypo hanna

Well-Known Member
There is no separate policy for Monday/Friday. If there was, this thread wouldn't exist. My manager was off one Friday and I called in sick a couple of months ago. I had no sick days left. I used them when I went out with a knee injury. Manager on Monday: Did you bring a doctors note? Me: I didn't bring one, didn't go to the doctor. Him: (exact words) 'It's station policy to bring a note if you call in ......p

Mondays and Fridays are addressed in policy but the manager failed to apply it properly.
First he has to determine a trend by analyzing the employees attendance over the previous 6 months. Then if a specific day of the week has a much higher rate of absences, he is to inform the employee that a note "may be required". Then if the employee calls in on the day identified he can ask for the note. If the employee has perfect attendance for the previous 6 months, no notes are required. If at least one day sick a note is required.

​ No I did not misquote the policy. It is written in that convoluted way. Maybe on purpose but I would think any kid fresh out of law school could cut it to bits.

another thing. Stations can not set a policy separate from corporate policy no matter what your manager might like you to believe.


Well-Known Member
Mondays and Fridays are addressed in policy but the manager failed to apply it properly.
First he has to determine a trend by analyzing the employees attendance over the previous 6 months. Then if a specific day of the week has a much higher rate of absences, he is to inform the employee that a note "may be required". Then if the employee calls in on the day identified he can ask for the note. If the employee has perfect attendance for the previous 6 months, no notes are required. If at least one day sick a note is required.

​ No I did not misquote the policy. It is written in that convoluted way. Maybe on purpose but I would think any kid fresh out of law school could cut it to bits.

another thing. Stations can not set a policy separate from corporate policy no matter what your manager might like you to believe.

Yes I figured that. They think we are pot smokers and dont know any better that ignorance is whats bringing express down incompetent managers at all levels!!


Well-Known Member
Mondays and Fridays are addressed in policy but the manager failed to apply it properly.
First he has to determine a trend by analyzing the employees attendance over the previous 6 months. Then if a specific day of the week has a much higher rate of absences, he is to inform the employee that a note "may be required". Then if the employee calls in on the day identified he can ask for the note. If the employee has perfect attendance for the previous 6 months, no notes are required. If at least one day sick a note is required.

​ No I did not misquote the policy. It is written in that convoluted way. Maybe on purpose but I would think any kid fresh out of law school could cut it to bits.

another thing. Stations can not set a policy separate from corporate policy no matter what your manager might like you to believe.

I've had personnel tell me otherwise.


Well-Known Member
There is no separate policy for Monday/Friday. If there was, this thread wouldn't exist.

My manager was off one Friday and I called in sick a couple of months ago. I had no sick days left. I used them when I went out with a knee injury.
Manager on Monday: Did you bring a doctors note?
Me: I didn't bring one, didn't go to the doctor.
Him: (exact words) 'It's station policy to bring a note if you call in on a Monday or Friday'.
Me: What happens if I don't get one?
Him: Well, you won't get paid.
Me: Really? I thought we get paid for our sick days? Oh wait, I don't have any left, so I guess I won't get paid anyway.
Managers face turns red and he walks away.
I chuckle and go back to work

I swear, you can't make this stuff up

Had the same thing happen to me about a year ago. I was on comp with a broken ankle for 7 weeks. I came back for that week then Friday and Monday I called in sick with food poisoning. My mgr called me, said I fell below fedex attendance policy, I had no sick days left and would be getting a warning letter unless I got a doctors note. I went into mgrs office only to be given an olcc for having below average attendance. I asked how it was so low, he said because you got sick for 7 weeks, I said, my ankle broke in your truck, I wasn't sick, I couldn't walk. In my head I was like WTF I was sick for 7 weeks, really dude, wow.

I used to tell my friends the stories and the level of stupidity is epic at Fedex. Most didn't believe me.


Engorged Member
Yes I figured that. They think we are pot smokers and dont know any better that ignorance is whats bringing express down incompetent managers at all levels!!

Tried to PM you but it wouldn't accept the message. Check and see that you are set-up to receive PMs.


Engorged Member
I've had personnel tell me otherwise.

I know of managers who run attendance reports specifically targeting Mondays and Fridays to see if they can detect a pattern. If they do, they can try and write you up on that basis. My response to that would be something like "Wow, what a coincidence", or "I cannot choose when I get sick". FedEx is so used to having a bunch of complacent sheep who will accept anything without protest, that they feel empowered to keep right on playing games with employees. Turn the tables on them and start playing games with them instead. They aren't used to it, so they can't handle it.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
My "shrine" is the toilet. Whenever I have to take a dump, I will loudly announce to my co-workers that I am "taking a Fred", or "dropping a Smith". This is actually better than he deserves.
I always like to imagine that my toilet is Fredward's mouth