Tree Branches


nowhere special
I always carried a small tree saw with me. I widened out many drive ways in my time. Anything under about 5 inches in diameter was fair game to me. Most people don't realize how grown in their driveways get over time. As long as their little VW fits they couldn't care less.
I hated city streets where they would plant little trees next to the street. Cars could get under the branches but a taller truck couldn't.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I hated city streets where they would plant little trees next to the street. Cars could get under the branches but a taller truck couldn't.
The official reason for planting median-line trees in my city is because it increases the perception of how fast one is going with the trees whipping by. They will get bigger however.


Well-Known Member
Let me start off by saying I drive in the city.

I hit a branch last year, new on the was on Oak tree branch, stopped the package car dead in its tracks. Put a huge hole in the roof, called my sup and it was considered an accident.

Daily, tree branches hit the side of my truck and leaves scratches. There is absolutely no other way around it. I either let them hit the side or I have to park 3-5 feet from the curb.


Good thing I wore my brown pants


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Retired 22 years
I would think you not want to "leaf" any evidence
I cut off many branches and I would just lay them off to the side. Never once did anyone get mad--in fact I even had a few thank me. This was in the day when you drove all the way into the property and didn't leave stuff out at the end of the driveway. I guess people knew if I couldn't get in they were going to have to pick up their stuff up at the UPS center.

Rack em

Made the Podium
Tree limbs scrape the sides of our trucks all the time. Our city is genius enough to plant them on the boulevards on narrow ass one way streets. So our trucks have to be right up against the curb to not be blocking traffic, and the only way to do that is to plow into tree limbs non stop.


Well-Known Member
I cut off many branches and I would just lay them off to the side. Never once did anyone get mad--in fact I even had a few thank me. This was in the day when you drove all the way into the property and didn't leave stuff out at the end of the driveway. I guess people knew if I couldn't get in they were going to have to pick up their stuff up at the UPS center.

Please tell us how hard you had it. You must have had plenty of time on the route to play amateur dendrologist.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t call in right when it happened. My sup was still at center when I got back so I let him know. He just kind of looked at me thinking “...and?” but said I’m not the first one to clip a branch on that street, don’t worry about it unless you damage the truck.

I asked a few guys who deliver in the area about these trees. If they ever thought about calling the city about it. Apparently the folks who live on the block are hostile toward anyone who tries to trim the trees. For some reason they like it. I wish I could stop delivering to them until they stop being jerkoffs to the tree service people the city hires.
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Ding Dong Ditch Bitch

Active Member
We had a driver in my old center take off from a break and forgot to check his clearance and just about made his package car into a convertible.

Oak tree branch vs. package car. Oak tree branch won.
One of our guys actually did make his truck a convertible.. :censored2: was backing up way to far down a residential boom! Skylight.


Light 'em up!
My sup was still at center when I got back so I let him know. He just kind of looked at me thinking “...and?” but said I’m not the first one to clip a branch on that street, don’t worry about it

There you go.

May have been a different outcome if you didn't tell him and got a Corporate complaint the next day from that old man and the woman taking pictures of you as you left.

Management hates being blindsided with things they don't know about, but should have known about.

They tend to overreact.

I wouldn't worry about twigs, but I would CYA and tell them every time you took out a significant branch.


Well-Known Member
I have one street in particular that is lined with trees to where the only place I can drive down the road is directly in the middle. If another car is coming I am plowing through some branches.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I have one street in particular that is lined with trees to where the only place I can drive down the road is directly in the middle. If another car is coming I am plowing through some branches.
With all the snow we have had in the Midwest (and more coming) we have to drive down the middle of the street.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
back in the day of clipboards, clutches and stick shifts, a tree branch ended the short driving part of my long career. popped a huge whole in the roof of the cab and had a branch sticking inside the package car. second time i hit a tree branch and it was my third avoidable in a 12 month period so i got pulled off the road and sent to preload for a year as punishment and never looked back