Union Rep-How do browns get protected?


If you are seasonal and you are paying dues, and the verbage goes:

(According to our local Teamsters Union agreement):

"Peak Season Employment at UPS is considered Bargaining Unit Work, and falls under the Terms and Conditions of the master Teamsters/UPS Labor Agreement"

....which legally emplies that the master agreement covers both seasonal and regular drivers.

The critical question in this case is:

Is there a "probationairy period" for both regular, and peak season drivers (under new employment) during which time, an employee is afforded basic Union representation? Especially in such defamatory cases of false "sexual harrassment" accussations brought by center management that result in your immediate termination for "sexual harrassment"?

The Union is now saying we can't help you, whereas yesterday, they could....until they seem to have cozied up to the big man at the Center, and swallowed the bait, hook, line, and sinker...GULP!
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Anonymous Brown

There is a reason they call you "seasonal." Clearing your name at this juncture is going to be almost impossible. I say move on.


Bring'n sexy back
talk to a lawyer then not a union rep...heck try to take the union to court for them failing to represent you, but you are seasonal and they have no legal responsability to do so...you never paid the union dues to join the union...an 'initiation fee' of 300$, that's how it is for regular employees. After that is finished being deducted, then you have to pay back dues for the time they didn't take out union dues when you were paying your initiation then finally regular dues.


Well-Known Member
If you are seasonal and you are paying dues, and the verbage goes:

(According to our local Teamsters Union agreement):

"Peak Season Employment at UPS is considered Bargaining Unit Work, and falls under the Terms and Conditions of the master Teamsters/UPS Labor Agreement"

....which legally emplies that the master agreement covers both seasonal and regular drivers.

The critical question in this case is:

Is there a "probationairy period" for both regular, and peak season drivers (under new employment) during which time, an employee is afforded basic Union representation? Especially in such defamatory cases of false "sexual harrassment" accussations brought by center management that result in your immediate termination for "sexual harrassment"?

The Union is now saying we can't help you, whereas yesterday, they could....until they seem to have cozied up to the big man at the Center, and swallowed the bait, hook, line, and sinker...GULP!

Guilty until proven innocent, or innocent until proven guilty?

Professional Conduct And Anti-Harassment Policy

UPS is proud of its professional and congenial work environment and will take all necessary steps to ensure that
our workplace remains pleasant for everyone. In order to maintain a positive work environment, all employees must
treat each other with courtesy, consideration, and professionalism. The Company prohibits unprofessional and
discourteous actions, even if those actions do not constitute unlawful harassment.
In addition, harassment of any person or group of persons on the basis of race, sex, national origin, disability,
sexual orientation, age or religion is a form of unlawful discrimination which is specifically prohibited in the UPS
community and which may subject the Company and/or the individual harasser to liability. Accordingly, derogatory
or other inappropriate remarks, slurs, threats or jokes will not be tolerated. Similarly, inappropriate visual and nonverbal
objects or conduct are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Likewise, inappropriate physical contact will
not be allowed in our workplace. In other words, UPS will not tolerate harassment of any employee by anyone for
any reason.
Sexual harassment is one example of inappropriate harassing behavior. Specifically, sexual harassment,
includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other visual, verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature when:
1. Submission to the conduct is made either implicitly or explicitly a condition
of the individual’s employment;
2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment
decision affecting the harassed employee; or
3. The harassment has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the
employee’s work performance or creating an environment that is intimidating,
hostile, or offensive to the employee.
Each employee must exercise his or her own good judgement to avoid engaging in conduct that may be
perceived by others as harassment. Generally, forms of harassment include, but are not limited to:
1. Verbal: repeated sexual innuendos, racial or sexual epithets, derogatory slurs
or remarks, off-color jokes, propositions, threats, or suggestive or insulting sounds;
2. Visual/Non-verbal: derogatory posters, cartoons, or drawings; suggestive objects
or pictures; graphic commentaries; leering; or obscene gestures;
3. Physical: unwanted physical contact, including horseplay, touching, interference
with an individual's normal work movement, or assault; and
4. Other: making or threatening reprisals as a result of a negative response to harassment.
Any employee who witnesses objectionable conduct or believes that he or she is subject to or may be subjected to
objectionable conduct must report it immediately to a supervisor or manager, a Human Resources representative, the
Human Resources manager, the Employee Relations manager, or the UPS Help Line at 1-800-220-4126. These
reports may be made verbally or in writing. Do not allow an inappropriate situation to continue by not reporting it,
regardless of who is creating that situation. No employee in this organization is exempt from this policy.
In response to such reports, UPS will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation. To the extent possible,
investigations will be kept confidential among the employees concerned and those employees who need to be
informed in order to complete the investigation. Any employee who brings such a report to the attention of the
Company in good faith and/or provides information related to such a report will not be adversely affected or
retaliated against. UPS will take immediate and appropriate corrective action whenever it determines that
harassment has occurred. Any employee who violates this policy may be subject to termination or other disciplinary

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