Union rips off Part-Timers?

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Well-Known Member
The only thing that bugs me is how they keep pushing back the amount of time before you get medical. Obviously they don't want people just to apply for the job so they can get some work done and quit, but 6 months, instead of 1 year, would be a much more reasonable.

Just my 2 cents


Browncafe Steward
I was referring to the vast majority of part-timers that work less than 5 years and never get vested in the retirement plan.

Sorry! ... take a deep breath, back away from the keyboard, relax. :happy-very:
Hoax here UPS holds the part time pension plan. The teamsters here only negotiate the yearly contributions on the part timers behalf.

so its 5 years to be vested? idk; all i know is that the 22.3 issue is why i gave up on the union. the above is the reason they arent fighting for the ft jobs that SHOULD be in place; they would rather have more people paying more dues!
Not all locals are like yours. The grievances are flying here left and right for every 22.3 that has been laid off.


I believe the part-timers that are sold out are the newborn ones rather than the employed ones. 1 year benes, still 8.50/9.50/hr, token raises.

I would have no problem giving away part of my raise to part-timers. Been there done that. Any part-timer should be making at least $11/hr after 1year and $14/hr after 3 years.

It will come down to putting the PT'ers into a position to take action. UPS and the union minimalize all give-backs and etc until it's too much to take. They would rather the PT be uninformed on each side. At that point (MAYBE 2013) PTers will actually be voting on the contract instead of letting it slide.

Also, with Hoffa around, negotiations will not be getting better for part-timers. I remember last contract the union and UPS were selling it at the front door to buildings but only to the part-timers. They weren't going to pull the wool over many FT'ers eyes.


Not all locals are like yours. The grievances are flying here left and right for every 22.3 that has been laid off.
its a national issue not a local issue. how many 8hour shifts do you have in you local that are split up between two PT workers? i bet just as many as mine!


Hoax the wages covered under the contract are a minimum. The company at any time can increase the wages, so instead of posting on here maybe you should write a letter to Scott Davis.
. . .And the minimum is your interpretation ... I have a feeling the company's interpretation is it's the maximum. Have to be careful to not set any precedence's for the Union to grieve on. :wink2:
Hoax, in the case of part-timers, the Contract actually says . . .
Article 22 --- Part-Time Employees
Section 5. Wages
(c) The wage rates and increases provided in (a) and (b) shall be a minimum.


Browncafe Steward
its a national issue not a local issue. how many 8hour shifts do you have in you local that are split up between two PT workers? i bet just as many as mine!
Here in 705 we have 1100 22.3 combo jobs. In my building we do not have continuous shifts. We have a preload and a twilight yet we have created a car wash shift before the prload and a feeder was shift after to provide these jobs.

Now buildings like cach and Addison that do have midnight sorts or around the clock operations have a lot more opportunity and those buildings also have a lot more 22.3 jobs.

Our local stays on top of the jobs to insure they do not disappear. We also have filed grievances for every displaced 22.3 because we believe that as long as ups is hiring part timers these 22.3s should not be laid off.

I guess this is another perk of not being part of the national agreement.


Nine Lives
Originally Posted by Hoaxster
. . .And the minimum is your interpretation ... I have a feeling the company's interpretation is it's the maximum. Have to be careful to not set any precedence's for the Union to grieve on. :wink2:
Hoax, in the case of part-timers, the Contract actually says . . .
Article 22 --- Part-Time Employees
Section 5. Wages
(c) The wage rates and increases provided in (a) and (b) shall be a minimum.

Please don't confuse the issue with facts! :wink2:


I guess this is another perk of not being part of the national agreement.
lol i bet wrong! in my building we have 400+ routes and whatever the accompanying number of inside employees. out of all these we have less than 15 combo employees! there are easily 100+ consecutive 8hr shifts that are split into two PT shifts...


Browncafe Steward
You are totally missing the point!!!! Under the national jobs are being moved from state to state at will. Sounds like your building is comparable in size to mine. we have about 400 package drivers and at least 40 22.3 jobs here and no back to back shifts.

Sounds like your local is not doing their job when mine here is.


maybe if part timers voted on contracts they might get more. why should i as a full timer vote for raises for them when i was there i waited my turn to go full time to make the big money as my sup is constantly telling me.


Well-Known Member
JF, you are correct, but I think Hoax's thought process is that the company feels that the minimum is the maximum that they are willing to pay for that position.


Well-Known Member
I feel i got hosed the starting rate should go up and bennies should come after 6 months I also feel there should be an 8 hr guarantee and more ft jobs I could go on and on and...........


Well-Known Member
I feel i got hosed the starting rate should go up and bennies should come after 6 months I also feel there should be an 8 hr guarantee and more ft jobs I could go on and on and...........

....I agree with you that the starting wages should be higher but disagree on the benefits time frame. I think UPS got that one right.


Well-Known Member
You are not going to find another company that gives you basically full time benfits to part time employees. I don't know about you but for a little over 2 1/2 hours of pay a months you can't beat the benifits at least in my area.

I know the starting pay is low but you have to look at a couple of years down the road.


Well-Known Member
I have advocated both here on BC and in my center that there should be a two tier wage schedule for part timers. The first would have a lower wage but would offer benefits while the other would have a higher wage but no benefits. There are part timers who simply work at UPS for the benefits and have a 2nd and, in some case, primary job on the side. There are also part timers who are still covered by their parents' insurance and are simply working at UPS for spending money.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess my case is extreme in that I started as seasonal in May 08 still 3 months for benefits when I got rehired in Sept. I was then told I would have to wait 1 year from that date to recieve my benefits. So basically they want me to wait 16 months for benefits. I also think that if you are seasonal and rehired that your seasonal time should count for some kind of seniority.
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