ups and united way



Why should I give through UPS to the United Way? Why is it not good enough to give direct? I'll tell you why. Because then UPS cant take credit (in the public eye) for charity donations that they dont actually give. No thanks.



You and others have this big chip on your shoulders about UPS taking credit for donations that you gave instead of them. And for the most part, that is BS.

UPS gives the employees credit for the lions share of what they give, even though in some cases it is much less than reality. Even though I have been to many United way functions, I have never ever heard them brag about corp giving, only the way the employees reached back and gave of their hard earned money.

So get a life people. If you dont give through UPS that is fine. If you dont give because of this fixation that you have with UPS, SHAME on you.

You are nothing more than a stinking little boy with dirty diapers that has no back bone to do what is right, and you are hiding behind false excuses trying to hurt UPS or your local management when in reality you are hurting the people that can use and need help in your comunity.

I was not saying that if people give to the united way anyway, to have something given to them in return is not bad. What is bad is the person giving only to know they will get something back if they do, and that then is the reason for giving.

Kinda like me stopping by to help a motorist that is broken down. Why cheapen the gift of your time and caring by taking money? Is that the reason you stoped to help, to make a few bucks? IF so shame on you.



dannyboy, you really ought to look at what you type before you post it. You know NOTHING about me or my giving. Enough said about that. Mature up a little dannyBOY.


Guilty conscience there Speedo?

IF you will take the time to notice the first sentence and paragraph deal with you, the rest is directed at all the little crybabies that want to find ways to get even with ups. Others just want to quit giving to the United Way and trying to hurt UPS and make a statement to them about dispatch.

If you want to make a statement to UPS, do it. IF you want to quit giving to the United Way, do it. But my post states do not use the second to try and accomplish the first.

If the shoe fits, wear it. If not



Like I said in my previous post, you know nothing about me. So make all the ignorant remarks you care to my man. Ive found that people that rant and rave on here to try and demean others, are in need of a good look in the mirror.


danny: you are right.

If someone wants to make their management team look bad, there is a little survey going on now called the ERI.

The people that use the United Way to get back at their management teams aren't hurting them at all.


As for ERI, the last time I took the ERI was at 7p.m. on September 11, 2001. When the whole of Boston, with the exception of 2 routes were evacuated from the city our management team got the brilliant idea to make everyone take the ERI since they were off early anyway. Well, when I came in at 7p.m. I was told I had to take it. I stated that I would be happy to take it the next day but what I really wanted to do was get home to my family. I was told again I had to take it before I went home. I did (work as directed always). When later complaining to other drivers about it, (before start time). I was called out by the center manager. "If you have a problem you talk to me." I did. When asked what my problem was, i told him. He asked me who made me take it.
I told him. He told me that it was my fault, because it's voluntary. I won't bother you with the remainder of that conversation.....but I haven't felt compelled to take it since. I was asked this evening why I don't want to take it and get my opinion recorded. I retold the story and also said, "after ten years of driver's input, you would honestly think relationship things would get better. I have noticed no mesureable improvement.
In fact in alot of ways things are worse." (maybe regional) This coupled with a new center manager who brags about having had the lowest ERI scores in the district last year, leads me to believe the ERI system is broken. {NOT HAPPY WITH "Well it's the best we have"}. Sorry this is so long but hard to do justice to the situation otherwise.


there are those that brag about being the 'worstest'. That is because they do not have the drive to try and become better at what they do. So they are left with trying to be the worst. You will find that in management, drivers, part time, and in just about every thing in life.

It is a shame that the center manager thinks that is something to brag about. Shows his people skills very well. Or actually the lack thereof.



bos: bad deal. A management person that thinks their score being the lowest is a good thing (hopefully) won't be long for that job.

As has been stated on this board before, the managers and supervisors who have people that run through walls for them because of the way they treat them will be successful.


DannyB and proups,
You both are right on the money. Sad part is he was put here on purpose after only 7 months of a solid, honest manager with people skills. Upper management in this area loves this guy. Was part of firing 26 drivers in a center south of us. 17 got their jobs back (lost a few paychecks though). The other 9 apparently were so out of line couldn't be saved. Don't know that that is a credit to him. I not one for saving the jobs of dishonest unethical people regardless of position. Way too much to post. Anyway, I'm going to end this one here as it isn't even close to original thread.


"tie, who cares what you think? Not I."

Good. If you did I might have said that I agree sending a stranger out to terminate you was BS. Since you don't care I wouldn't think of saying it....

Actually you do care what I say and think or you:

a) wouldn't not be on a message board sharing your thoughts and opinions with others.

b) would not have responded to my post.

Thus its clear you care deeply and value my input. As such I would never..ever..deny you that input you value so much.


"UPS gives the employees credit for the lions share of what they give, even though in some cases it is much less than reality"

Agreed. The best thing about united way is they specialize in fund raising. That means charitable organizations in your community can dedicate their limited resources more towards what they do and can spend less time gathering donations.


been away for a while. can't read all of these posts. our local set up there own chairty. the reason being. a couple of our guys over the years. have had problems with family. these guys have donated for years to the united way. but, when it came time to help them. united way just turned them away. when they went to ups. big brother said there's nothing we can do. so that's when our local set up our own. it's called "HAVE A HEART FOUNDATION" they take the money right out of you check. just like the's just sad it had come to that. but, who do you turn to?


I agree.
One of our feeder drivers had his house burn completely down....just like in the UW commercial.
UW and the company couldn't help him.
He doesn't contribute anymore.
I haven't contributed since 1987 when I was having some difficult times.


Strange to hear. We had a driver whose house burned down. The red cross was there immediately. He said he was shocked. I am sure the salvation army would have helped him to. Both are supported by the united way. The united way gathers the funds for the charities so that these charities can spend less of their resources on fund raising. The united way does not normally give funds directly to individuals.


tie: don't waste your time trying to convince the people on this board blasting the United Way that they are dead wrong.

I work with a United Way board. I know what they can and can't do for my community - and each United Way differs from community to community.

In the case of the burned down house, my United Way would send them to the Salvation Army. We don't fund the Red Cross here. Why? They don't ask us to!


United Way does not have unlimited resources--it is not the U.S Welfare system and does not owe anybody anything--- do they have an agency that they support that covers all of the bases for the needs of the general public--no.Does United way support the Salvation Army and various agencies in every community----only if that agency asks UW---and in some cases I have known UW to not support various agencies because of accountability problems.

I donate through UPS to my local church---why? Because UPS guarantees that 100% of my money will reach the agency in need and not be used by UW for administrative costs---I have checke dwith my church treasurer and 100% of my money is received by my church. I could give directly to my church---but why not satisfy UPS and my church---God says to give 10%----he doesn't say how it needs to be given!!



So what you are saying is that instead of the UW taking the 10-18% costs of fundraising from your donations, they are taking 20-36% from mine? REally?

That cant be. You see, for each $100 given, 10-18% is taken off the top for fund raising activity. While this sounds like lot, it really isnt when you compare to other organisations that rase money.

So if say 4 people give to say your church, and each one of us gives say $10,000 each. Now I come along and I give to the church too, in the amount of $10,000. That would be $50,000 that is to go to the church, right? So if the church gets the full $50,000, then who would pay the $5,000-9,000 in fund raising costs?

Also, once given to the united way, UPS can not guarantee anything.


(Message edited by dannyboy on September 01, 2005)


For some reason people think fund raising should not have any expenses associated with it. The fund raiser should not run any ads, should never travel. Should never have dinners where they gather corporations together. Should not have an office or phone that they can call from. Should not have any office supplies to go with the office expenses. The difference is this consolidated fund raising effort. Your local church soliciting funds can clearly not afford to run ads during your NFL football games. In fact they would probably not be able to get so many NFL players working to help them. Nor would your local church have the logistics to organze payroll deduction with your employer. The ease of payroll deduction alone dramatically increases the amount of funds gathered. Do your own study. Looks at some local charity and the reach and scope of their own fund raising activity. Then look at the United Ways fund raising efforts. The comparison would easily be a tank compared to a volks wagon. Without the united way people would not contribute directly to their charities on the scope of the UW. Without the united way your community would have a lot less charitable dollars reaching it.