UPS to invest in new buildings, new trucks ... Hire more drivers???


Well-Known Member
And everyone's healthcare is down $2,500.....

Even if Trump said that early on, he hasn't said it about the passed bill.

We're getting a lot more than $19/extra a week, not sure where you're getting that from.

All this talk of the top 1% getting more. Well they got the smallest cut. But as everyone should know, 2% of $10,000,000 is a lot more than 4% of 100,000.
Is it just me but If I was pulling in millions a year I would have NO PROBLEM paying a little more in my taxes to help out those in need... now I don’t agree with the welfare family milking the govt for years but part of the reason for this is jobs pay so little that welfare is a easy way out....


Well-Known Member
Only every time he opened his mouth to sell the plan to the American people. 83% of the tax savings go to the top 1% but keep drinking that orange kool aid. You get $19 extra a week and the president is projected to be gaining $288,000 in cuts a week.

And everyone's healthcare is down $2,500.....

Even if Trump said that early on, he hasn't said it about the passed bill.

We're getting a lot more than $19/extra a week, not sure where you're getting that from.

All this talk of the top 1% getting more. Well they got the smallest cut. But as everyone should know, 2% of $10,000,000 is a lot more than 4% of 100,000.
Only every time he opened his mouth to sell the plan to the American people. 83% of the tax savings go to the top 1% but keep drinking that orange kool aid. You get $19 extra a week and the president is projected to be gaining $288,000 in cuts a week.

And everyone's healthcare is down $2,500.....

Even if Trump said that early on, he hasn't said it about the passed bill.

We're getting a lot more than $19/extra a week, not sure where you're getting that from.

All this talk of the top 1% getting more. Well they got the smallest cut. But as everyone should know, 2% of $10,000,000 is a lot more than 4% of 100,000.

Your totally misinformed on this topic. Our healthcare is less because trump got rid of the individual mandate?

Trump also said Mexico was paying for the wall and that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. Total lies. You still buy into his BS?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Looks like if you are at the 75k or lower you will see something... not sure I will since my wife also works.. I guess I will keep track in my next couple checks... most of the money is going to already wealthy corporations...Apple has 250 billion in reserve... wtf do they need a tax break... it’s ridiculous....

You'll actually get more back if say you and your wife are around $150,000.

Funny you mention Apple. They are bringing back $250b to the US they've been holding offshore because of the previous tax rates, the highest in the world. The lib Tim Cook even admitted it's obviously due to the reform.


Well-Known Member
You'll actually get more back if say you and your wife are around $150,000.

Funny you mention Apple. They are bringing back $250b to the US they've been holding offshore because of the previous tax rates, the highest in the world. The lib Tim Cook even admitted it's obviously due to the reform.
He stated that they were in the process of bringing back SOME of that money already.... people were getting a little fed up with them paying their associates 15 bucks an hour when they produce all their sht in China with cheap labor but have so much in reserve especially off shore....people are paying attention to this stuff now... they want corporations that they do business with to be ethical...


Joe Biden is The Big Guy
You'll actually get more back if say you and your wife are around $150,000.

Funny you mention Apple. They are bringing back $250b to the US they've been holding offshore because of the previous tax rates, the highest in the world. The lib Tim Cook even admitted it's obviously due to the reform.

There is no use.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Is it just me but If I was pulling in millions a year I would have NO PROBLEM paying a little more in my taxes to help out those in need... now I don’t agree with the welfare family milking the govt for years but part of the reason for this is jobs pay so little that welfare is a easy way out....

Yet the rich rarely do. The rich always look for ways to get richer and do everything they can to pay the the legal minimal tax bill. They all say they should pay more but don't.


Well-Known Member
Trump also said Mexico was paying for the wall and that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. Total lies. You still buy into his BS?
I want to see what goes down with this Russia bs and now with this pornstar that. Supposedly he paid off... it just keeps getting better and better...


Well-Known Member
Trump also said Mexico was paying for the wall and that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. Total lies. You still buy into his BS?
I want to see what goes down with this Russia bs and now with this pornstar that. Supposedly he paid off... it just keeps getting better and better...

Trump will say it’s fake news and Clinton is the real criminal. His knuckle dragger base will believe any stupid conspiracy theory that they create to cast doubt on the truth. Hell! Majority of his base still thinks Clinton was running a child sex ring in a pizza joints basement.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Trump also said Mexico was paying for the wall and that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. Total lies. You still buy into his BS?

Even supporter's never expected Mexico to cut a check. Trump never said they would. Auto production and other things are already moving at least in part back to the USA. This is what Trump met.

He has kept more promises in his first year than any President in history. Not even close.


Well-Known Member
Trump also said Mexico was paying for the wall and that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. Total lies. You still buy into his BS?

Even supporter's never expected Mexico to cut a check. Trump never said they would. Auto production and other things are already moving at least in part back to the USA. This is what Trump met.

He said many times that he would make Mexico pay. He’s the great deal maker. Oh yeah that was BS!

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Trump will say it’s fake news and Clinton is the real criminal. His knuckle dragger base will believe any stupid conspiracy theory that they create to cast doubt on the truth. Hell! Majority of his base still thinks Clinton was running a child sex ring in a pizza joints basement.

LOL, you haven't seen the memo have you? You really believe Trump colluded with Russia, don't you? Pretty sad.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
Trump will say it’s fake news and Clinton is the real criminal. His knuckle dragger base will believe any stupid conspiracy theory that they create to cast doubt on the truth. Hell! Majority of his base still thinks Clinton was running a child sex ring in a pizza joints basement.
A politician lied?? Say it isn’t so!!


Well-Known Member
Trump will say it’s fake news and Clinton is the real criminal. His knuckle dragger base will believe any stupid conspiracy theory that they create to cast doubt on the truth. Hell! Majority of his base still thinks Clinton was running a child sex ring in a pizza joints basement.

LOL, you haven't seen the memo have you? You really believe Trump colluded with Russia, don't you? Pretty sad.

All of our intelligence agencies have confirmed the Russian interference in this election. Only one that won’t admit it is trump. He was interviewed by Lester Holt and admitted that he fired Comey because of the Russian thing. He invited Russian spies into the Oval Office and said the same thing. At a rally during before the elections he asked Russians to hack Hillary’s emails. So yeah I’d say there is definitely something there. Not sure what but let’s let Mueller do his job.