Upstate and Western New York.


Frankie's Friend

25+ years I have only seen selfishness and minimal solidarity. The best union guys were always found in Leadership positions.

Our E-Board is top flight.
Did you forget the solidarity 22 yrs ago :censored2:?

More lack of integrity on your part.

Frankie's Friend

Yes I remember the strike.
3 photos does not solidarity make.
Neither does your lies equate truth.

I remember over 180,000 people in solidarity.

Sell your garbage to the new employees who dont know there's a union here. Then, go back to your office.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I don't recall anybody locally encouraging people to vote. I suspect they wanted a low voter turnout so that it would be pushed through.

I'm not sure they actually fought for anything better. They just gave us the same supplement that we where originally presented with the master and hoped for a yes vote this time.
I know there's plenty of people looking forward to a retro check and plenty of people who feel defeated after the way the national is pushed through. I know those are pretty crappy reasons to not vote, but I get where they're coming from
No way. Our union leaders polished the Turd and called it a diamond.... I’m shocked.