Wake Up America


Staff member
Perhaps a third excuse for Muslims could be cowardice as a people.

It takes no bravery to take over an airliner full of innocent, unarmed civilians. Or sneak around in the night planting roadside bombs. I submit that cowardice is the way of Muslim life. Otherwise, Muslims living in our country would be denouncing their terrorist brothers.

Instead all we hear is their cowardice silence.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Or how bi polar they are, or how mad that Lebanon got bombed. The excuses for their behavior appear before their court date.


Well-Known Member
Sobran Column --- Finding the Flaws

Nearly 10 years old but the words hold even more now when you consider the fiscal direction this country has taken in the last 10 years regardless of acts of terror and the war on terror.

And one other point just to stir the pot because I think it needs a huge stir going into November elections. Clinton was no saint as we all know and some of the economic policy/budget balancing was really more smoke and mirrors when you really look deep into the bowels of the budget processes and the real fed. debt. However that having been said and even with Clinton's many other ills, he never approached the level of irresponsible spending like we've seen with the current adminstration and the Congress that currently runs the show. IMO, the Clinton years from 94' to end of term was the perfect balance of one party having the White House and the other party controlling the Congress. In many respects for our day, it was as close to the perfect "Check and Balance" as you could get and as we enter the election season I would hope that all of us will reflect back not only on those days but in years past where we've had divided gov't to act as a check upon itself.

This coming election will be very important to this country and there are very important issues that face this country that go well beyond our fear of another terrorist attack. You can set your life to avoid all cancer causing chemicals and do whatever it takes to eliminate all possible contact with the substances and never face the horrible fear of cancer but at the same time ingest huge servings of fat laden, artery blocking foods with wreckless abandon only to then die of massive heart disease.

My question to you now is, what did you gain at the end of the day?

Governance and security with Freedom and Liberty for the honest and true is a great balancing act that no human civilization has achieved for any degree of time. Many including myself are of the opinion that we've crested in that endeavor and our sun is now setting but is it possible to reverse course and raise the sun high in the sky again. Wanna make me eat crow? Prove me wrong on election day!

Besides, the way I see it, one way I'm right in the end and win that agrument but the other way you prove me wrong but I still win and personally I'd rather be wrong!

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Industrial Slob
You guys are clumping "Mulsims" in the same bracket as "Terrorists". Sure, when McVeigh bombed OKC..

Screw it, I'll never navigate this part of the forum again. Enjoy your world of ignorance. It sure seems to empower you guys.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You guys are clumping "Mulsims" in the same bracket as "Terrorists". Sure, when McVeigh bombed OKC..

Screw it, I'll never navigate this part of the forum again. Enjoy your world of ignorance. It sure seems to empower you guys.

Not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are Muslim. Suck on that whiney liberals!


Industrial Slob
Not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are Muslim. Suck on that whiney liberals!
You missed AngloSaxon Timothy McVeigh, Basque ETA, the Sikh Tamil Tigers, Catholic IRA, Christian Nagaland Rebels, oh yeah, and the Aryans.

And BTW, I'm a card carrying member of the Conservative Party of Canada. But I'm more educated than our neo-conservative commander in chief to the South.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Well, so much for your promise to never navigate this area again. That sure lasted long. LOL. Timothy Mcveigh and the IRA are valid examples but unfortunately for you they do absolutely NOTHING to validate your point that the majority of terrorists aren't Muslim, Islam, whatever the hell they are called, should be called savage beasts. In fact, your small examples only validate that Muslims have had their hands in more terrorist attacks than the IRA, or any other group you can pull out of your @#$. If there is a computer database somewhere that has a list of all the terrorist attacks (and I'm sure there is such a file somewhere) the numbers of Muslim terrorists would dwarf the number of non Muslims. I wouldn't be surprise if the ratio would be something like 100/1 or more.

You may have that little card in your wallet claiming you to be conservative but your stance on terrorism has the foul smell of Liberalism. Most terrorist are Muslim and to deny this is just iresponsible.


Staff member
Well, I actually did a quick search for that database, and while I couldn't find one of all terrorist attacks (I suspect one of the reasons is that what actually constitutes a terrorist attack can sometimes be hard to quantify), I did find an interesting article that focused strictly on suicide bombings. From the article:

The major objective of 95 percent of suicide attacks is to expel foreign military forces from territory that the terrorists perceive as their homeland. There is little connection with Islamic fundamentalism or any of the world religions. The taproot of suicide terrorism is nationalism and it's ''mainly a response to foreign occupation.'' The objective is political self-determination. The Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, a secular, clearly anti-religious movement, have committed 76 of the 315 suicide attacks, the most of any group. Their specific goal was an independent homeland in Sri Lanka.


Only 6 percent of the perpetrators have come from the five countries with the world's largest Islamic fundamentalist populations. (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran and Nigeria).

I suspect Hoser might be on to something.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Well, I actually did a quick search for that database, and while I couldn't find one of all terrorist attacks (I suspect one of the reasons is that what actually constitutes a terrorist attack can sometimes be hard to quantify), I did find an interesting article that focused strictly on suicide bombings. From the article:

The major objective of 95 percent of suicide attacks is to expel foreign military forces from territory that the terrorists perceive as their homeland. There is little connection with Islamic fundamentalism or any of the world religions. The taproot of suicide terrorism is nationalism and it's ''mainly a response to foreign occupation.'' The objective is political self-determination. The Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, a secular, clearly anti-religious movement, have committed 76 of the 315 suicide attacks, the most of any group. Their specific goal was an independent homeland in Sri Lanka.


Only 6 percent of the perpetrators have come from the five countries with the world's largest Islamic fundamentalist populations. (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran and Nigeria).

I suspect Hoser might be on to something.

That has to be the biggest pile of BS I've heard in a long time. It's basically a souped up way of saying..."They aren't terrorists. They are freedom fighters!" Throw out all the liberal articles and biased reports and look at the overall picture. Muslims are killing non Muslims almost everyday simply because they aren't Muslim. Muslim leaders are calling for the destruction of Israel and the U.S. and ANYONE else not of their faith. They killed Christians and threatened not to stop until Islam has taken over the world. They said that exact comment in response to the Pope's comments. Anyone who takes up for them, or appeases them, or justifys their actions, is standing in the way. That is funny to me because those savages wouldn't hesitate to put a knife to the people's necks that are seemingly taking up for them.


Industrial Slob
In fact, your small examples only validate that Muslims have had their hands in more terrorist attacks than the IRA, or any other group you can pull out of your @#$. If there is a computer database somewhere that has a list of all the terrorist attacks (and I'm sure there is such a file somewhere) the numbers of Muslim terrorists would dwarf the number of non Muslims. I wouldn't be surprise if the ratio would be something like 100/1 or more.
You see, you're a pawn. The government wants you to believe that's the fact, so you'll vote for them again.

You just SEE more terrorist attacks that affect YOUR world in TENNESSE, through CNN.

ETA attacked Spain a few months ago, and Mumbai's subway got bombed, killing 37 about 2 months ago. That's off the top of my head.

Hell, you probably are completely unaware that Thailand is in martial law right now.

You may have that little card in your wallet claiming you to be conservative but your stance on terrorism has the foul smell of Liberalism.

If we were in the same room right now, I would jersey you and beat the **** out of you for saying that. I'm a Conservative. I believe in Conservative values: small government, free enterprise, hard work, human security, and realism in an anarchic world system, hell, I even own a handgun. But I do not support xenophobia and uneducated ignorance, like the noise coming out of your mouth. You fight terrorism through knowlege, not ignorance, coloured alerts, a witch hunt against people whose faith you know nothing about (remember McCarthyism, or do you still fight the evil communist threat) That's what neo-conservatives, or the current Republican party seem to promote, and they're losing not only in Iraq, but in their own society; airplanes are doing emergency landings because someone bought a bottle of water past security.

That has to be the biggest pile of BS I've heard in a long time. It's basically a souped up way of saying..."They aren't terrorists. They are freedom fighters!" Throw out all the liberal articles and biased reports and look at the overall picture. Muslims are killing non Muslims almost everyday simply because they aren't Muslim. Muslim leaders are calling for the destruction of Israel and the U.S. and ANYONE else not of their faith. They killed Christians and threatened not to stop until Islam has taken over the world. They said that exact comment in response to the Pope's comments. Anyone who takes up for them, or appeases them, or justifys their actions, is standing in the way. That is funny to me because those savages wouldn't hesitate to put a knife to the people's necks that are seemingly taking up for them.
Ha, this was funny:
"It rocked my world, so, that has to be the biggest pile of BS I've heard in a long time." Wolf Blitzer is never wrong! Hail Atlanta.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You see, you're a pawn. The government wants you to believe that's the fact, so you'll vote for them again.

You just SEE more terrorist attacks that affect YOUR world in TENNESSE, through CNN.

ETA attacked Spain a few months ago, and Mumbai's subway got bombed, killing 37 about 2 months ago. That's off the top of my head.

Hell, you probably are completely unaware that Thailand is in martial law right now.

Thanks for AGAIN helping me prove my point. Muslims are attacking other countrys too. Oh by the way....the man most directly responsible for the current debacle in Thailand is a MUSLIM!

If we were in the same room right now, I would jersey you and beat the **** out of you for saying that. I'm a Conservative. I believe in Conservative values: small government, free enterprise, hard work, human security, and realism in an anarchic world system, hell, I even own a handgun. But I do not support xenophobia and uneducated ignorance, like the noise coming out of your mouth. You fight terrorism through knowlege, not ignorance, coloured alerts, a witch hunt against people whose faith you know nothing about (remember McCarthyism, or do you still fight the evil communist threat) That's what neo-conservatives, or the current Republican party seem to promote, and they're losing not only in Iraq, but in their own society; airplanes are doing emergency landings because someone bought a bottle of water past security.

If we were in the same room right now you'd drop to the floor into the fetal position and let me kick the crap out of you and then later sue me and then brag about "what a great system of law we have" and then drive away in your new SUV and bitch about the gas prices. Oh you own a gun? Why? If you were confronted by a terrorist you'd end up on Al-Jazeera on video with your head being held over your lifeless body while they scream "Alah Akbar" because you were too chicken sh#$ to use your gone because shooting a Muslim would be politically incorrect. Or because you hadn't done enough RESEARCH and still weren't sure they were a terrorist (even know they are standing there in front of you with the obvious motive of killing you) or because the daily new bulletins showing the aftermath of terrorist attacks wasn't enough to have you convinced they are real. You see....I don't need anymore research. Too many people have already died.


Well-Known Member
I think the title of this thread also fits in with the point of this op-ed from the Professor of Economics at Loyola College. It takes another look as the American Robber Barons of the late 19th and early 20th century but I also in reading drew parallels to our world today in especially how our Fed. gov't operates.

IMO, many fail to see the modern day robber barons because they feel a sense of safety net knowing that some gov't bureaucracy has the duty of overseeing some market segment. Where IMO they fail even greater is to understnad the dynamics of how that bureaucracy came into being and the behind the scenes political moves and by who to bring this about. I hope at the least you find the article to at least give pause for looking at gov't from a different perspective.

The Truth About the "Robber Barons" - Mises Institute

With history of man being loaded with deception, intrigue and downright dishonesty and then consider the things taking place in our own country less than 100 years after we formed it with what we believed were checks and balances to prevent such abuse, is it to far of a stretch to believe it's gotten vastly worse and even more entrenched? Could it even have gone so far that a small group of men, seeing a business opportunity, worked together to promote the idea of taking over another country under another pretense but in the end to profit? Could it even be so bad that these men took advantage of a horrible and tragic event to manipulate the emotions of a nation to the point of pushing the gov't to do the bidding of this small group?

You may scoff at such notions and be right on point in doing so but the larger history of mankind and even our short history as a nation would suggest the potential for just such a thing is worthy of consideration and quite real. It's amazing that the majority of Americans based on many polls say that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't alone and that there was somone on the grassy knoll. We will go to the highest ends to believe a conspiracy of killing an American President which in some respects could be seen as a quite coup d etat but we won't for a moment consider the possibility that Iraq was a contrived war to begin with. Some think that to suggest this would also include 9/11 in such goings on but that IMO is not the case. 9/11 turned out to be the mechanism they never had to push the American public in the direction they wanted. They used 9/11 not created it to achieve something that they had gone public with as early as 1996' and even penned a letter to President Clinton asking him to do what Bush finally did in 2003'. Coincidence or planned? As with the Robber Barons, what will truth bare out in 100 years from now?



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
The "WAKE UP AMERICA" title was intended for those of us who fell asleep. For those of us who can't see the real threat against us. For those of us who don't think the Islamic Fascists mean business. For those of us who have become complacent since 9/11.:mad:

This isn't a battle against all Muslims. The only clumping together of Muslims is the clumping together of the radical Muslims that want to:

-Kill the Pope

-Commit Jihad against all that don't subscribe to their beliefs

-Burn buildings down and kill people because of cartoons

-Shoot Nuns in the back

-Kidnap innocents to torture and publicly behead

We could go on and on and on, but most of this we already know.

And to take a few lines out of the original story posted:

Does all this suggest that we are fighting a billion Muslims? Of course not.

Does all this suggest that all or even most Muslims are bad people? Of course not.

It does suggest, however, that the dominant forces within Islam are bad at this time; that Muslims who see this evil in their midst have not mobilized any counterforce either out of fear for their lives or for some other reason; and that decent men and women around the world -- Hindu, Christian, Jewish, atheist, Buddhist and Muslim -- are threatened by this powerful, death-loving force.

Muslims who do not acknowledge the threat to civilization from within the Muslim world at least have two excuses -- fear for their lives or group solidarity. What excuses do non-Muslims have who deny this threat?

For those of us who question the seriousness of this threat, I say...



Well-Known Member
Robber Barons? Conspiracy Theory? Take it easy on the Koolaid man.

Far fetched you say! OK, I guess just for a starters this letter dated from 1998' is meaningless even in light of the signatures at the bottom?

Letter to President Clinton on Iraq

I'll bet it's a Micheal Moore plant, it's got that liberal, democratic stinch all over it does it not? I'm sure if you look further at the website as to who is behind it you'll be able to quickly prove that point. Boy, we can breath easy and sleep good tonight now that you've cleared that up!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
No we can all sleep good tonight because the U.S. isn't completely ruled by people who think like you but instead the majority love this country and don't blame our own govt. for what our enemy is doing to us. What makes me wake up in the middle of the night is that there are minds hard at work trying to figure out how to exploit the U.S. and that they would love to see this country fall. Those sick minds aren't just Muslims, Radical Islam, or any other sugar coated version of the name you can come up with. Those sick minds are also LIBERALS.


Staff member
No we can all sleep good tonight because the U.S. isn't completely ruled by people who think like you but instead the majority love this country and don't blame our own govt. for what our enemy is doing to us.

And that government is doing such a bang-up job, aren't they?Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat

"A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks."

"The intelligence estimate, completed in April, is the first formal appraisal of global terrorism by United States intelligence agencies since the Iraq war began, and represents a consensus view of the 16 disparate spy services inside government. Titled “Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States,’’ it asserts that Islamic radicalism, rather than being in retreat, has metastasized and spread across the globe. An opening section of the report, “Indicators of the Spread of the Global Jihadist Movement,” cites the Iraq war as a reason for the diffusion of jihad ideology.
The report “says that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse,” said one American intelligence official."

Nothing but good news, eh Sunshine? Of course, I'm sure all those eggheads over at the CIA and NSA are a bunch of lying liberals who want us to lose, right? May you "sleep good tonight".