What does the Bible say about...........???? "On Topic"


Well-Known Member
The question I have, and it really bothers me...the Bible makes it clear that relatively few will make it to heaven in comparison to the many who will spend eternity in hell. Knowing this, why did God allow the world's population to explode up to over 7 billion in the last century? If he is just why did he allow so many to come into the world who will never have a chance of eternal salvation?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
1 Cor. 3:16 " do you not know that you are the temple of God & that the spirit of God dwells in you"
God the Father resides in the Christian. John wrote, "God dwells in us" (1 Jn. 4:12; cf. vv. 13,15,16). Does God personally dwell in us? John explicitly states that God dwells in us, but I don't know anyone who maintains his personal Being is in us.
Jesus also dwells in us.
"And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin'' (Rom. 8:10).
"But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you" (Rom. 8:9).
Why make Christ's indwelling in Romans 8:10 representative, but make the Holy Spirit's indwelling in Romans 8:9, the verse before, personal?

Like I said, the how is the debate.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The question I have, and it really bothers me...the Bible makes it clear that relatively few will make it to heaven in comparison to the many who will spend eternity in hell. Knowing this, why did God allow the world's population to explode up to over 7 billion in the last century? If he is just why did he allow so many to come into the world who will never have a chance of eternal salvation?
God allows us choice in all things. Even having babies.


Well-Known Member
The question I have, and it really bothers me...the Bible makes it clear that relatively few will make it to heaven in comparison to the many who will spend eternity in hell. Knowing this, why did God allow the world's population to explode up to over 7 billion in the last century? If he is just why did he allow so many to come into the world who will never have a chance of eternal salvation?
The reason few will make it is because they refuse to humble themselves to the creator. They choose to be their own God & serve themselves.
The fact that there is a way is just.
You might have a better argument focusing on "calvinism" or election.


Well-Known Member
The question I have, and it really bothers me...the Bible makes it clear that relatively few will make it to heaven in comparison to the many who will spend eternity in hell. Knowing this, why did God allow the world's population to explode up to over 7 billion in the last century? If he is just why did he allow so many to come into the world who will never have a chance of eternal salvation?
Talked to God the other day. He said that he's still waiting for his Section 8 housing application to be approved before he can give the contractor the go ahead to build some more. In the meantime he's putting people in cages like they're doing on the US Mexican border. He said that he saw it on Fox News and the commentators thought it was a great idea so he's do the same thing too.


Well-Known Member
This is the question that resulted in me digging deeper....
If the Holy Spirit operates separate and apart from the word of God, what does he do?
If the holy spirit only operates within a believer while they are reading the bible then what goes on within the person when they are not reading the bible?
I think its more of a situation where you have the individual & their soul. The soul is the actual consciousness of the person. the spirit is on one side & the flesh on the other. If you partake in the flesh the spirit gets "weaker", if you partake in the spirit the flesh gets weaker.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't election rule out your choice the matter?
Please quote the text with sovereign election and explain. Thanks
Off hand Roman's chapter 9. Its scattered throughout the gospel of John quite a bit. Also shows up in the NT a little.
I never really recognized it until I heard someone speak on it a while back

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Talked to God the other day. He said that he's still waiting for his Section 8 housing application to be approved before he can give the contractor the go ahead to build some more. In the meantime he's putting people in cages like they're doing on the US Mexican border. He said that he saw it on Fox News and the commentators thought it was a great idea so he's do the same thing too.
Funny, because when I talked to Him, He told me He’s been trying to reach YOU since you know everything, too.
He said His calls go ignored because your caller ID shows Him as “caller unknown”!

You do know blasphemy is a sin, right?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't election rule out your choice the matter?
Please quote the text with sovereign election and explain. Thanks
Armenianism- 100% choice
Hard line Calvinism- 100% chosen
I take more of a middle stance. I do believe "some people " are chosen or elected as messengers to proclaim but I believe that for the vast majority it is up to them to choose.


Inordinately Right
Without a doubt. HOW he dwells is the debate.

There is no "personal indwelling". There is only one Holy Spirit, just as there is one Jesus and God.
The dwelling is representably.

Midi-chlorians are inside everyone, they connect us to the greatest force in the universe. It's a symbiotic relationship going back to the beginning of time. In fact, life itself might not be possible without them.

Obviously their concentration is different for each individual. Some have such a high amount they can defy physics and perform what might appear miraculous. The greatest of the sith have brought the dead back to life with this connection to the force. The greatest of the Jedi have used them to attain immortality.
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Well-Known Member
The reason few will make it is because they refuse to humble themselves to the creator. They choose to be their own God & serve themselves.
The fact that there is a way is just.
You might have a better argument focusing on "calvinism" or election.
And those who've never heard the gospel?


Well-Known Member
Talked to God the other day. He said that he's still waiting for his Section 8 housing application to be approved before he can give the contractor the go ahead to build some more. In the meantime he's putting people in cages like they're doing on the US Mexican border. He said that he saw it on Fox News and the commentators thought it was a great idea so he's do the same thing too.
I'm asking a sincere question. By the way the Obama administration built those cages and put people in them.