White Folks Pandering

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

I was watching this gentleman on TV last night. He spoke so many truths.
Bob Woodson is a smart person that has achieved much and helped others even more.
He makes a lot of sense and has a great deal of experience in the area of 'the failure of Black people'.


Well-Known Member
Are you not aware of the abolishment movement in the 1800's? That the majority of Americans lived in slave free states? That hundreds of thousands of whites died freeing the slaves? That Jim Crow laws were in one region of the country primarily? That lynchings, cross burnings are a thing of the past? That there are numerous avenues set up for blacks to get an education? That those who do often succeed in life? That blacks and whites intermarry now which was illegal in times past? That a black man was elected president twice? That there are blacks at all levels of government? You're always talking about what Republicans really believe. Well I really believe every election cycle Democrats fear monger to get the black vote. Things have greatly improved, not perfect but nothing is, but you'll never hear that from a Democrat when there's an election at stake.
I know you think what you posted is a response to my question, but it has nothing to with answering my question. Your post is mostly just inaccurate history about racial discrimination that I don't care to really go over.


Well-Known Member
your party keeps black america in black areas run by blacks and then blames whites for their problems by calling it systemic racism.
if there is systemic racism it is created by the white liberal and the anger should only be directed at them.

but instead your kept captives get angry and then spill over on the rest of us.
in Minneapolis you had the classic plantation set up with the white mayor and everyone else black working for the man.
hell even the cop who killed floyd was a democrat.

I do agree on one point you made you should educate yourself. You're living in a bubble . you actually think you're doing black america some good with the dependency you have created blaming others.

educate yourself and accept responsibility for the blight you have been on black america.

Like this stuff is pure insanity and has no basis in reality. This poster may as well be saying lizard people run the government, that has about as much relation to reality as the idea that I run a political party, that my political party "keeps blacks" in black areas to blame white people. I mean this poster is offering straight gibberish. He has no clue what the mainstream of what black Americans actually think about American society. It surely isn't that fantasy nonsense.


Well-Known Member
no? really? Ho boy what nonsense. they promote this fantasy in every way imanginable. you should rename it to whiteliberal cancer so the problem can finally get fixed.
The media doesn't investigate systemic racism because it would implicate themselves, and also if you think again the mainstream of black American political thought about racism is based on what's in newspapers on the media..... You just don't have a clue.


Well-Known Member
Like this stuff is pure insanity and has no basis in reality. This poster may as well be saying lizard people run the government, that has about as much relation to reality as the idea that I run a political party, that my political party "keeps blacks" in black areas to blame white people. I mean this poster is offering straight gibberish. He has no clue what the mainstream of what black Americans actually think about American society. It surely isn't that fantasy nonsense.

nope never said anything about lizards. did say that the white liberal has always tried to keep the black man down from the days when you guys first started the KKK .


Well-Known Member
The media doesn't investigate systemic racism because it would implicate themselves, and also if you think again the mainstream of black American political thought about racism is based on what's in newspapers on the media..... You just don't have a clue.

the media does not investigate fantasy you say. They are part of the white liberal cult and do try to aid master in keeping the blacks unhappy.


Well-Known Member
nope never said anything about lizards. did say that the white liberal has always tried to keep the black man down from the days when you guys first started the KKK .
I posted that what you posted is about as much based on reality as saying the government is run by lizard people. I really wish you'd read mainstream black political thought, this stuff you believe doesn't make any sense.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The Klan are cuckservatives. Ttku...
I read that earlier today ... stupid as s:censored2:t! Playing with words.
The KKK was formed by Democrats whether or not it was sanctioned by the Democrat Party.
Only total dumbf:censored2:ks believed the :bsbullf: in that bit of disinformation.

Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first Grand Wizard of the KKK.

A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. The first two words of the organization’s name supposedly derived from the Greek word “kyklos,” meaning circle. In the summer of 1867, local branches of the Klan met in a general organizing convention and established what they called an “Invisible Empire of the South.” Leading Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest was chosen as the first leader, or “grand wizard,” of the Klan; he presided over a hierarchy of grand dragons, grand titans and grand cyclopses.